9/2 Impact: GFW vs. TNA

Josh Boutwell reviews Impact Wrestling for 9/2/15

Impact Final Thoughts
September 2, 2015
By: Josh Boutwell of Wrestleview.com

TNA vs. GFW has pulled into full motion with this week’s show but overall it was really disjointed and the whole angle just feels so rushed. I understand that pretty much the entire angle was filmed in the matter of weeks and you can really tell it. This is an angle and a story that should play out over several months but it’s going to play out over several weeks. It’s like TNA didn’t have faith that they could trust Jeff Jarrett to stick around and see the angle out, kind of like what happened with Bully Ray, but also maybe they don’t think they will have TV this time next month so they had to rush. I don’t really know I just think it could be coming off a lot better if it was more of a nice buildup.

I will say that Jeff Jarrett’s “takeover” of TNA, or attempt at takeover, is a lot more plausible than most of these types of angles since Jarrett real life supposedly still has stock in TNA. So I like that realism aspect of it.

The opening match between Masters and Lashley was okay for a big man matchup but it was pretty standard stuff. Masters/Mordetzky is still pretty green in the ring in my opinion and Lashley is at his best when he can work with a more athletic guy than another powerhouse. Lashley is a ton more athletic so when he has someone that is also athletic he can use the power stuff along with his freaky athletic to make for a great matchup.

The Tag Title Match was very disappointed and such a chicken sh*t way to get the titles on Lee and Myers which honestly is the reverse of what I think they should be establishing with this invading group. Lee and Myers are probably, along with PJ Black, the best of any of the GFW guys so its cool to see them getting some shine.

The Beautiful People reunion was cool to see, nostalgia wise, but that whole group ran its course long ago and now with Angelina being pregnant it will probably never go anywhere anyway.

The back and forth between Dixie and Jeff was actually pretty good and boy did it get heated at times. You could tell there is still some animosity deep down there and they were both throwing some barbs. Hell, Dixie even pretty much called Jeff Jarrett out for screwing around with Karen while she was still married to Kurt without actually saying it blatantly. That was the best part about this “invasion” so far.

What the hell was the deal with the Kenny King match? He cuts this really solid promo about standing on his own and how it is a new day for him just to have Bram come out and beat him in about 5 minutes? I know they couldn’t foresee that Bram would kick his girlfriends ass when they taped this but even if that didn’t happen why the hell would you did that to King? You screw over his new run following the BDC collapse with that? As far as Bram goes, I have said many times I love his character and I love his intensity in the ring, but he obviously has some personal problems that he needs to get under control before TNA or anyone else gives him another chance if he even deserves one at this point.

Roode was terrific tonight and his match with PJ Black was great. TNA really should go out of there way to bring Black back in the future. He was so underused in WWE that it isn’t even funny. They really needed maybe another 5 minutes or so to really make that a great match however.

The Main Event was a good wrestling match though I really think Full Metal Mayhem should have been the close of that feud. I understand they are trying to continue the stuff with Jeff Hardy and this was just a gateway for them to do that, and Jeff can’t really get physical for the most part yet. They built really nice to the finish with some great nearfalls and false finishes which I enjoyed. I want to see Matt get another feud of his own with someone like Roode.

Promo/Segment of the Night: Jeff Jarrett/Dixie
Match of the Night: Roode vs. Black (***)
Overall Grade: C-

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