Audio: “Wrestleview Radio” for December 30, 2010

The latest edition of “Wrestleview Radio” for Thursday, December 30, 2010 is now archived and airing on the Wrestleview Radio Network with Adam Martin and Doug Lackey.

Topics discussed on the show:

* Discussion on “Wrestleview Radio” celebrating its one year anniversary this Monday night.
* Doug reviews the 12/30 edition of TNA Impact so you don’t have to watch an awful TV show.
* The review is interesting as the shows were taped out of order and Doug gets confused!
* Thoughts on the news that Awesome Kong has signed with WWE and the buzz on Wednesday.
* We look at why some of the responses to her signing were more negative than positive.
* We attempt to figure out why a certain opinion will forever seem to exist on the IWC.
* Reviewing some news of the week including Jeff Hardy’s plea, John Cena’s injury and more.
* Reading TONS of emails sent to that we missed from last week.
* Plus, taking listener phone calls on a variety of topics that were discussed on the show.
* All this and much more on this exclusive Thursday show for our VIP members!

Don’t forget you can always email the show with questions/comments:

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