Detailed recap of Helms benefit, additional photos

David Moss sent this in.

I was at the Shane Helms benefit on Wednesday night and wanted to pass along a report and pics.

The show was held at the Comedy Zone in Charlotte, NC.

Appearing were Mick Foley, Shane Helms, Ric Flair, Edge, Gunner, Lodi, CW Anderson, Amber O’Neal, Jayme Jameson and Reby Sky. Crowd was said to be about 300 paid. Most everyone had tickets that included the meet and greet.

Show was started with some local comedians, including a 14 year old. Three other comedians were part of the main show. I didn’t catch their names but both were good and included some wrestling in their acts.

Mick Foley’s standup, you can tell Mick is still getting into this but between the great stories and jokes, he did a great job. He had a guitar player join him for his rendition of Sweet Home Alabama. You gotta be there to see it.

Foley also brought Ric Flair out. They went back and forth telling stories. Flair as usual had some great stories.

After Flair, Foley had the rest of the wrestlers come on stage and they told stories and fielded questions.

After the show was the meet and greet. Everyone signed autographs and took pictures with anyone who wanted them. It was a lot less than a fustercluck than I thought it would be.

Tonight they raised $5500 towards Shane Helms making a PSA against drunk driving.
