Audio: “Friday Fishbowl” for October 7, 2011

The latest edition of the “Friday Fishbowl” for Friday, October 7, 2011 is now archived and airing exclusively on the Wrestleview Radio Network with host Adam Martin (Editor in Chief of and Wrestleview ROH on Sinclair recapper Jason Namako.

Questions answered on this week’s edition of the Friday Fishbowl for October 7, 2011:

Question #1: (Submitted by Goober)
What is your most favorite gimmick match (besides the Rumble) that gets used regularly? Your least favorite?

Question #2: (Submitted by Frank aka Omegabyss)
What wrestler did you have an extreme liking for and thought he could be a prime-time player in their respective promotion?

Question #3: (Submitted by Darragh O’Connor)
Which show do you prefer to watch as a wrestling fan on a weekly basis: Raw, Impact or Smackdown?
