Lex Luger Interview - Part 1 - Talks about the death of Miss Elizabeth...

Reported by Adam Martin of WrestleView.com
On Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 10:22 AM EST

Chris Cash sent this in:

Chris Cash Note: In my three years of doing interviews with various wrestlers and wrestling personalities, this is the first time that I do not think a recap can do it justice. With the controversy that surrounds Lex Luger and this horrific incident, please take an hour if you can to listen to the archive and hear for yourself the emotion behind it.

In his first interview since the tragic death of Miss Elizabeth in May of 2003, Lex Luger sat down with Chris Cash and the Voice of Wrestling show to discuss that fateful night for the first time. In what turned out to be an emotional testimony and part one of a two or three part interview, Lex described that night as clearly as he could remember, responded to the critics' labels including how he reacts to being called a "murderer", explained why he waited this long to talk, and discussed why he still feels guilty about her death. Make sure you don't miss part two of this rare, revealing interview with Lex Luger LIVE TONIGHT from 7-9 EST, leading into Raw. Ed Ferrara will also be on the show tonight to announce that he'll be answering questions exclusively in the TotalWrestling.net Forums, along with Lex Luger! Kevin Kelly will also stop by tonight to pay tribute to Eddie Guerrero.

To Listen to Part One: Click Here!
To Submit Questions for Lex Luger: Click Here!

"First of all, it's always on my mind and always will be...each and every breath I breathe and moment that I think. You don't ever just move on. When I say I've moved forward and on with my life, it never moves on without that person that you care or love so much. You never get over it. You just have to learn to take babysteps and crawl or whatever you've gotta do and move forward on with your life..."

Lex explained how Elizabeth's family, Mary Ann (her mother) and Steve (her brother), were very discreet and asked Lex to keep her passing very private. "If they could have, nothing would have been released," he said, "but you can't control that because some things are made public, as far as the autopsy or something like that, but they didn't want anything out. They were very clear not for me to go public with anything". Luger said he turned down the National Enquirer and many others that were wanting public statements, but because he wanted to respect the wishes of Elizabeth's family, he stayed quiet.

Lex continues with the reason he didn't respond right away, stating that it would have been very selfish and arrogant for him to come out of the gate making a ton of defensive comments and doing a lot of interviews. Instead, he wanted to honor the memory of Elizabeth and the wishes of her private family by not talking. "So I didn't respond, I didn't care how I looked," he continued, "if I don't respond, people call you..from what I've heard..murderers and things [that] were totally unrelated to the passing of Liz.." Luger stresses the tough spot he was in and how if he did say something, he was disrespecting Elizabeth's family's wishes, yet if he didn't say anything, it makes him look guilty or noncaring. However, there was only one decision that made any sense to him and thus, he's stayed quiet for more than 2 years.

Chris Cash asks Lex to try and take us back to the night Elizabeth died and explain what exactly took place and although he didn't know how well he could remember it all since he had never tried, he did agree to try. He was busy that day as his son was talking with Division 1 basketball coaches and wanted Lex there. "I was at my son's school almost all day," he began, "I remember the cleaning lady was there all day [at] our town house Liz and I had picked out and bought together about four months prior to that". Lex had worked out that morning, was in and out all afternoon, and then spent the rest of the afternoon into the evening at the school with his son.

Lex briefly explained how Liz had become very emotional and concerned for Lex during the final stages of his divorce and the separation from his kids. "It was never a fault of hers," Lex said, "but she sometimes would maybe indulge in alcohol just out of she was sad, she was lonely, I was with my kids...not in a bad way, but it made her sad the situation I had with them currently. This all things I found out after the fact though, but she had been drinking a little bit more than I ever would have imagined that day, but she didn't seem outwardly intoxicated to me, to be quite honest with you. And I have no reason to, once again, say anything than what's the gosh-honest truth right now".

Lex then explained his arrival back at the house late that evening, saying that Liz seemed absolutely fine although he knew she had been drinking. They had ordered pizza that Lex went to pick up, plus he ran by Blockbuster to rent a movie. Liz didn't go with him to pick them up, but he said that wasn't unusual. He couldn't remember the name of the movie, despite trying, and said that he probably subconsciously blocked it out, along with other things. "She had dozed off during that movie and that was around, I don't know, two in the morning or something," he said. When she woke up, they started watching Shaft with Samuel L. Jackson and Lex remembers joking with her about Jackson being a "black James Bond of coolness". "We were laughing about it and she was absolutely fine".

Lex said she was drinking a tall glass of Vodka and Sunny Delight, which was her favorite thing to drink with Vodka. Lex was drinking the same thing and had a double, which he said is the same amount she had as well. However, Lex said there were absolutely no narcotics involved that evening. "We got hungry and she started to go to sleep again and I said 'do you want something to eat'," he continued, "one of our favorites was meatloaf and mashed potatoes, which I've never eaten since," This is the time Lex started getting a little choked up as he described sitting down to eat with her.

"I started taking a couple of bites of what I had, looked over, she had taken a bite of her meatloaf and mashed potatoes, but she was sitting there and her head was back and...I thought she dozed off again cuz it was now, like four or five in the morning," Lex continued describing, "so I go 'baby, eat your stuff while it's warm' and she didn't respond. I said 'Liz! Liz!' and I got a little strong with my voice and she didn't respond, so I walked over to her and that's when I first noticed she didn't seem right". This part is the toughest point of the interview that is hard to put into print. Lex takes a good 10 to 15 seconds to regroup and try and continue explaining this tragic night.

"Anyways, I..lightly shook her, gently of course, and she didn't respond...her pupils looked weird and completely dialated and then I got really worried. I shook her just a little bit harder and she didn't respond and it looked like there was a little food in her mouth, so then I got really worried, I cleared her mouth out and I immediately ran to the phone and dialed 911". Lex said from there it was kind of a blur as far as what happened next and what he might have said to 911, but he said he was trying to be strong for her until the medics got there. "Then the medics came and they did everything they could," he remembered. As they took her off, he wanted to go with them, but the police didn't allow him to go. They told him they'd get to the hospital, but that never happened. "That was it. That was the last time I ever laid eyes on her". He found out a few hours later from a police officer on the scene that she had died.

Since Elizabeth's death, Luger experienced the worst period of his life abusing alcohol and painkillers. "I tried to numb it," he said, "I tried to do everything I could to almost the point of death..physically, emotionally, I mean just spiritually bankrupt". He's also had troubles with legal issues, but he said contrary to popular belief, his legal dealings have had nothing to do with what happened to Liz. He discovered after the fact that Liz died with a high alcohol level in her system and he does admit to occasionally the two of them mixing pills with drinks, but never to a dangerous extent and not on the night of her death. Lex also responds to how people label him as a murderer and other things, plus on a lighter note, he discusses his recent change in spirituality, what he's up to now, and his brief time in TNA.

An amazingly heart-felt, emotional interview that honestly, this recap simply can describe. If you'd like to listen to the archive, it's available now on WrestlingRadioNetwork.com, plus be sure to tune in live tonight for Part Two of Lex Luger Live! This week, Chris and Nick plan on talking with Lex about his legal and drug problems, Macho Man, and his very extensive career in the business. You can join the chat room as well and submit your questions during the show, plus be sure to head over to TotalWrestling.net and where Lex Luger will be regularly responding to your submitted comments and questions for the next few weeks! Part two with Lex Luger is live tonight from 7-9 EST; make sure you don't miss it!