SmackDown Results - 2/24/05 - Richmond, VA (Big 6 Man Tag Match)

Reported by Charlie Benjamin of
On Saturday, February 25, 2006 at 2:55 AM EST

WWE SmackDown!
Air Date: February 24, 2006
From: Richmond, VA
Commentators: Michael Cole and Tazz
Reported By: Charlie Benjamin of

Orton comes out to a rather lengthy entrance, he gets the mic and says that isn’t the kind of guy to say he told you so, but, he told us, that he is going to compete for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania, and Rey Mysterio is not, he goes on to say about how Rey’s dreams were crushed, he says it doesn’t matter who was cheering for Rey because Destiny was on his side, he goes on to address Angle, and says that angle was lucky because he knows first hand you need to luck to beat the undertaker, but all the luck in the world can’t beat Destiny.

Orton continues, going on about how he is a third generation wrestler and how his father and grandfather were the greatest wrestlers of their respective generations, and now he is going to do the same, Orton said he will be better than Angle, Rey, Undertaker then he tries to redeem himself slightly and says not even, the late, great, Eddie Guerrero.

Chavo Guerrero out of nowhere, he attacks Randy form behind, Chavo hits the three amigos on Randy and a frog splash, security drags Chavo out of the ring and sit him back over the barricade, they drag Chavo out through the crowd as he yells about how the Guerrero’s are greater than the Orton’s, and that Randy had forgotten about Chavo.


Matt Hardy and Tatanka vs. MNM w/ Melina

Hardy and Mercury start off, they lock up center of the ring, a shoulder block by Hardy, both men up and Hardy applies a headlock, Mercury sneaks a tag, Nitro in, Hardy goes for a backslide, 1, 2, and out, Tatanka tagged in now, Nitro in the wrong corner, Nitro gets sent head over heels, as Hardy and Tatanka, grab a leg and fling Nitro into the middle of the ring, Tatanka covers for a 2, Nitro goes up top but gets caught across the ropes, Tatanka with some kicks Nitro hung up on the top rope now, and a hiptoss by Tatanka, Mercury pulls down the rope, and Tatanka flies to the floor.

Double suplex by MNM on the outside while Melina distracts the Referee, back in the ring Nitro fro the tag, gets 2, and tags Mercury, knee to the back of the head, Tatanka reeling, a cover and out at 2, Mercury holding Tatanka in the corner as he tags Nitro, a series of knees, Tatanka and Nitro exchanging rights, Nitro gets the upper hand, tags Mercury, Tatanka rammed into the corner, Tatanka fighting back again, a small package by Tatanka, reversing a suplex, the ref distracted by Mercury, Nitro comes up in control and works Tatanka to his corner, Nitro makes the tag.

A double team of boots and a clothesline takes Tatanka down, shoulder thrusts in the corner, and Mercury tagged right back in, Tatanka, fights out hitting dual clothesline, Tatanka struggling to get the tag, he make sit, Hardy in, clothesline all around, a hiptoss on Mercury, a corner clothesline on Nitro, Bulldog on Mercury, side effect on Mercury, nitro makes the save.

Nitro with a kick form the apron, pin with a bridge by Mercury, they call for the snapshot as Nitro comes in, Tatanka breaks it up, Mercury gets rolled up, but is out at 2, neckbreaker on Mercury but Nitro is there again to break it up, Tatanka going for a splash in the corner, Tatanka hits the post and flies to the outside, Hardy going for the Twist of fate, Melina in and grabs a leg, Mercury reverses it into a roll up, 1,2.


We come back and Paul Birchill is trimming his beard with a sword, Regal come sin and reads a fan letter, addressed to regal, it said that she wants Regal to help Birchill realize he is embarrassing himself and his former tag-team partner William Regal, Regal asks Birchill if he thinks people care about pirates, and Birchill walks away, Birchill comes back and hands Regal a bomb, and lights the fuse, the fuse runs out, and Birchill pops back one more time and says Boom.

WWE Hall of Fame Announcement, in addition to Bret Hart, this week it was announced that Eddie Guerrero would be joining Bret in the Hall of Fame this year, they show a very touching video celebrating the career of Eddie Guerrero, much in the style of the video shown for Bret, with the announcers over lapping the video highlights of his career.


Booker T comes out to ringside with his wife Sharmell to do commentary for the next match up.

The Boogeyman vs. The Dicks

Both Dicks are wrestling at the same time in this one, they slink around trying to sandwich the Boogeyman, the hit and run a few times, trying to the advantage Chad (I think) gets caught with a reverse slam, James gets knocked over the top, Chad from behind, he gets in a few rights until he gets sent into the ropes knocking James, who was coming back into the ring, to crash to the announce table, Chad gets choked slammed.


The Boogeyman looks over towards Booker t and Sharmell, and he slowly walks over towards the table, Sharmell and booker high tail it, but Boogeyman keeps going to the announce table, he dumps a bunch of worms on the table and walks away, as Booker and Sharmell goes through the crowd.



WrestleMania Big Time Moment:

Jeff Hardy at Wrestlemania 16, with a Swanton Bomb from the top of a twenty-foot ladder through Bubba Ray Dudley through a table.

Tazz and Michael Cole arguing over the worms on their announce table as staff clean up, mean while Ray Mysterio is announced to ringside, to give his thoughts on the situation about No Way Out and Wrestlemania.

He says that he is happy that Eddie Guerrero is going into the Hall of Fame, he goes on to talk about how he dedicated the Royal Rumble to Eddie Guerrero and how he came out on top of that, with Eddie watching, he goes on saying how he let Orton get to him and he put his title shot at Wrestlemania on the line, and he takes full responsibility for letting everyone down, and he is sorry for letting them down.

Teddy Long comes down to ringside, in a very somber moment, he shows everyone the clip form No way Out when Randy Orton won by holding onto the ropes, Long says unfortunately he can’t reverse the decision because the referee’s decision is final, but he can do anything else he wants, and he can add to the match, so at Wrestlemania we will see Randy Orton vs. The World Champion vs. Rey Mysterio.


A hype video plays for Mark Henry.

Krystal Marshall comes to ringside in a golden robe, carrying a magazine of the Divas swimsuit, photo shoot, she comes out and says that even though we’re used to seeing here backstage interviewing she has another side, a side you can see in the Divas 2006 magazine, and she is going to give the fans a sneak peak at that other side.

Jillian Hall comes out saying how no ones wants to see, that and what they do want to see is watch JBL wrestle in the main event tonight, she tells Krystal, to save herself the embarrassment and leave, Krystal tries to gulls Jillian into giving the fans a sneak peak, they exchange some slaps and Krystal strips off Jillian’s cloths, Jillian runs for cover, then Krystal gives the fans the sneak peak she was talking about.


Clips from No Way Out are shown, when Batista returned to give a speech about his official in ring return.

Gregory Helms vs. Psicosis

Starts off with an arm drag by Helms right into an armbar, spinning into a headlock, Psicosis, comes out tripping up Helms, Helms a slap in the face literally, Helms with a boot to the gut, and he is worked into the corner by Helms, Helms backs off then comes in flaying with rights and lefts, Psicosis, delivers a nice shot that stunned Helms, Psicosis with a hurricanrana, a hip toss into a clothesline, a pin and out at 2, Helms reverses an Irish whip and send Psicosis into the corner, Psicosis is dumped outside landing hard on his back, Psicosis it whipped into the ring edge, but hopes up and lands sitting on the apron, he drop kicks helms, and slides in the ring, Helms right behind him.

But Helms grabs the hair and delivers a few forearms, Helms with a inverted cross arm ki krusher, suplex by Helms, and a dropkick to the head, a armbar/headlock combo by Helms, Psicosis up and off the ropes a hurricanrana with a pin 1,2, Helms out, a clothesline by Helms, and a knee to the back.

Psicosis sent off the ropes, Helms with Psicosis on his shoulders going for the spinning face crusher, Psicosis lands on his feet, and hits a spin wheel kick to the jaw on Helms, Helms ducks a spin kick, and hits the spinning face crusher, 1,2, and out at 2, Psicosis whipped, reverses, Psicosis, back body dropped over the top rope, lands on the apron, Psicosis climbs the turnbuckle, Helms cuts him off, Psicosis, pushes Helms away, Helms uses the referee to block, he uses the ropes to knock Psicosis to the ground and goes for the roll up, with a hand on the ropes.



Outside the arena Michael Cole cues up a:

Video package from No Way Out’s Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker, for the world Heavyweight Championship, they are really pushing this as one for the greatest matches of all time, we could see something come form this.

Teddy Long comes out and says he has got a treat for all the fans that have supported SmackDown and that next week on SmackDown in Washington D.C. and we will see The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle for the World heavyweight Championship.


Orton’s music hits but he is no where to be seen, we go backstage Long and Orton are arguing over everything Long has done lately, and Orton says Long is a horrible GM, Long says if Orton doesn’t go out there and compete tonight he will have merit to pull Orton out of the World Championship match at Wrestlemania.

JBL, Finlay and Randy Orton vs. Chris Benoit, Lashley and Rey Mysterio

The bell rings and the two teams try to figure out who is starting, Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton meet up and Rey chops away at Randy, Rey off the ropes, goes for his springboard bulldog, but gets caught with a stiff forearm, Randy whips Rey off the ropes this time Rey connects with a head scissors, Rey trips up Randy, 619, Randy moves before Rey even gets going, both teams tag off.

Finlay in first, Rey decided to tag Lashley, Lashley goes in full board, but Finlay ties him up and hits an uppercut, Finlay takes Lashley down with hard blows, Lashley back up and Final in the corner, Finlay goes to whip Lashley but it was reversed, clothesline by Lashley he takes JBL and Orton off the apron, a spear by Lashley, JBL in to break the count, Benoit in to stop JBL form doing anymore damage, Orton in, Rey with a dropkick to the head, Orton down, all 6 men brawling against the ropes.


We come back with Benoit and JBL in the ring, Benoit going for the sharpshooter, JBL reaches the ropes though, Benoit drops an elbow, and stomps to the head, Lashley is tagged in, clubbing blows by Lashley and a belly-to –belly, Lashley stalking JBL now, spear on JBL, Finlay breaks up this count, Orton gets tagged in and gets taken down, Lashley pulls Orton to the corner to tag Mysterio in, Mysterio with a springboard dropkick to Orton, Rey with an arm wringer, but Orton smashes Rey in the face and drags him to the wrong corner, Finlay tagged in and drops into a headlock.

Finlay with elbows to the side of the head and back to the headlock, JBL tagged in, and he lines up Rey for a big boot, Rey counters into a flying head scissors on JBL and goes after Finlay on the apron, Rey goes to jump the top rope and Finlay pull s out the ring apron catching Mysterio in between the ring, JBL out now and grabs Mysterio roll shim in and 1,2, Rey kicks out, JBL dominating Rey Mysterio.

A Bear hug applied by JBL, grounding the quicker man, Rey battles out, Rey off the ropes and JBL with a shoulder block, Benoit in to break up the count, Finlay in and goes right for the headlock, the referee argues with the tag and makes Finlay leave, Orton comes in, and stomps on Rey, Orton with knee drops, and Rey kicks out at 2, Orton really wrenching on a headlock,

Rey whipped into a neutral corner, Randy comes in Rey floats over top of him, Orton goes crashing into the steel post, after a flying head scissors, Benoit tagged in, JBL in illegally, Finlay joins the fray, Benoit going through all three, a german on each man, Benoit going up top, diving headbutt form three quarters of the way across the ring, Finlay breaks up the count, Lashley in, and he and Finlay battle to the floor.

Benoit charging in catches a boot to the head, JBL going for the clothesline form hell, Benoit ducks, into the crossface, Finlay in breaking up the cont, Finlay receives the German suplex, JBL outside recuperating, Benoit with a running dropkick, jamming JBL’s hand between the steps and the ring post, Rey tagged in JBL over the ropes in agony, 619.



Match Ratings

6-Man Tag - ***
MNM vs. Tatanka and Matt Hardy - ***
Helms vs. Psicosis - **1/2
Boogeyman vs. The Dicks - DUD

Cheers and Jeers:


Eddie Guerrero Hall of Fame Induction
Rey Mysterio
Matt hardy and Tatanka



Odds and Sods:

Congratulations to Eddie Guerrero and his family for being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, and although many may say that it is only because he passed away, it is true that if he hadn’t he wouldn’t of been inducted this year, but Eddie Guerrero is the epitome of Hall of Famer, he was so good at every aspect of wrestling and such a kind human being very few are as deserving of Eddie.

The WWE getting one last match out of their talent before they release them seems to becoming a regular thing, as The Dicks were released after their match on SmackDown this week, they did this with Juventued earlier this year too, if I haven’t appeared on TV for a while, I’d almost be scared to get some TV time.

Not a lot of wrestling this week what we got was definitely worthy; with the exception of the Boogeyman vs. the Dicks the other three matches were very good.

There was a long stint in the middle of the show that had two or three full segments with nothing but interviews, I wasn’t to fond of this I would of preferred a match squeezed in their somewhere.

Rey being put back in the main event comes as no surprise to me, if you have been consistently reading my recaps, you’ll know I’ve been calling for Rey to win at Wrestlemania for months now, and loosing at No Way Out wouldn’t of changed my mind.

Surprised there was no Undertaker or Kurt Angle, especially coming off a match they are calling one of he best in history.

Fell free to e-mail me any questions, comments or thoughts, using the link at the top of the page.