Benoit Press Conference (PART TWO): Bible found by bodies, and more

Reported by Adam Martin of
On Tuesday, June 26, 2007 at 4:11 PM EST

A press conference was held outside the Benoit residence today a little after 3:00pm Eastern. The conference was ran on Fox News, CNN and MSNBC. Here is a recap of what was said in the second part of the conference with Scott Ballard (you can view the first part details at this link):

* Scott Ballard (Fayette County District Attorney) then took questions.

* Ballard talked about how bizzare it was to have a murder-suicide in the community.

* Said he was most struck by a 7-year-old boy being murdered.

* Stated that the timings of all three deaths hasn't been confirmed, but the belief is that Nancy was killed Friday, Daniel was killed Saturday and that Benoit committed suicide sometime on Sunday.

* The belief right now is that all deaths took place at different times.

* When asked if Benoit had killed Nancy and let the body remain in the same place for two days, Ballard said enough isn't known right now to confirm that.

* In another surprising part of the story, Ballard revealed that a bible was found placed next to the bodies of Nancy and Daniel.

* Blood was found on Nancy's head indicating a struggle.

* It isn't known at this time if Daniel was sleeping when killed.

* It isn't known if Benoit ever left the residence.

* When asked about domestic abuse, Ballard stated that divorce papers were filed in 2003 by Nancy, but were later dismissed by a judge.

* There is no motive known for the killings at this time.

* The belief is that Benoit made no attempt to hide the bodies.

* Ballard stated that Daniel's body was found in his bed in an upstairs bedroom, Nancy's body was found in a family room upstairs and Benoit's body was found in a basement weight room.

* Autopsy results revealed that Nancy died Friday, that Daniel more than likely died Saturday morning and that Benoit died either late Saturday/early Sunday.

* He stressed that an investigation is still undergoing as to the timeline of events of when all deaths took place.

* Ballard said the toxicology reports will be of interest when they are revealed.

* He reiterated to the press that bibles were found by the bodies of Nancy and Daniel, but not by Benoit.

* At this point, the press conference came to a close and that an investigation is still continuing.