AUDIO: Caleb Konley on his career, FIP iPPV on Friday

Jason Namako of speaks with Caleb Konley (@calebkonley) about his first memories of wrestling, his father being a former wrestler, refereeing at the age of 12, his early career in the North Carolina indy scene, training under George South, differences between Carolina indies to other regional indies, Working with Highspots, what a normal day is there, wacky on the road stories, Time in PWX, if its an indy that gets overlooked, influences on his career, getting into WWN, The Scene faction, his babyface run, why it didn’t click, The Premier Athlete Brand, winning the DGUSA Tag Titles, memories of the China tour, the slew of managers and valets throughout his career, why his CZW run didn’t work, favorite WWN matches so far, winning the FIP Title, working for the new Paragon Pro promotion, future goals and his FIP title defense against Trevor Lee at the FIP Heatstroke iPPV this Friday, August 7th in Ybor City, Florida on

To order the FIP Heatstroke iPPV tomorrow night featuring Caleb, go to  


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