Superstars Results – 6/21/12

WWE Superstars
June 21, 2012
Report by: Jason Namako of

Hello everyone, and welcome to this week’s WWE Superstars recap.

If you all are ready, then since Adelitas Way is playing the intro, let’s get on with the show!

Hunico w/Camacho vs. Ezekiel Jackson

Zeke starts to go after Hunico, but Hunico retreats to the ropes to keep Zeke away. Hunico with a kick to the leg, followed by a series of clubs to the back of Zeke’s neck. Hunico with a knee to the gut, followed by an Irish whip, but Zeke reverses it. Zeke goes for a press slam, but Hunico breaks free. Hunico slaps Zeke across the face, then retreats to the outside as Zeke is incensed. The chase is on as Zeke chases Hunico back into the ring. Hunico goes for a baseball slide, but Zeke catches his feet and pushes him back into the ring. However, when the referee is with Hunico, Camacho nails Zeke with a clothesline on the outside.

Hunico nails Zeke with a double sledge from the apron, then brings him back into the ring. Hunico gains a 1 count, then locks in a chinlock. Hunico with a series of knees to head of Zeke, followed by a kick to the ribs. Hunico gains another 1 count, then stomps away at Zeke. Hunico locks in a front chancery and then when Zeke tries to fight out, Hunico nails him with a series of clubs to the back. Hunico taunts the crowd, then hits a leg drop and a pair of elbow drops. Hunico chokes Zeke in the ropes, then has words with the referee. Zeke tries to fight back, but Hunico comes back with a front dropkick for a 1 count. Hunico goes back to the front chancery and when Zeke tries to fight out again, Hunico nails him with a knee to the head. Irish whip by Hunico, but it wakes up Zeke as he grabs Hunico and scores with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.

Zeke with a series of forearms, followed by a clothesline in the corner. Zeke then with a big clothesline, followed by a biel that sends Hunico halfway across the ring. Irish whip by Zeke, but Hunico catches him coming in with a dropkick to the legs. Hunico goes up to the middle rope and tries a moonsault, but Zeke moves out of the way. Camacho hops up on the apron, but Zeke knocks him off with a shoulder to the ribs. However, that distraction allows Hunico to nail Zeke with a dropkick to the back of the head.

Hunico then heads up top and hits the Falling Star for the victory.

Winner: Hunico by pinfall (Falling Star)


“The Cape Town Werewolf” Justin Gabriel & Tyson Kidd vs. Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks

Hawkins & Kidd will start things off for their respective teams. Kidd with a waistlock, but Hawkins with a switch. Kidd then with a wristlock, but Hawkins counters into a side headlock. Tag into Gabriel as Kidd with an Irish whip to break free. Double leapfrog by Kidd & Gabriel, followed by a back kick from Gabriel and an assisted rana out of a hiptoss by Gabriel & Kidd. Gabriel with a front chancery, but Hawkins drives him into the corner on his side of the ring. Tag into Reks, who nails Gabriel with an uppercut. Reks with a club to the back, followed by an Irish whip. Gabriel slides under Reks’ legs and then catches him with a rana into a pin predicament for a nearfall. Gabriel with a spinning back kick to the gut, then tags in Kidd. Gabriel & Kidd with a double Irish whip, double gut shot, double snapmare and finally a double kick to the back. Kidd gains a 1 count, then goes for the Dungeon Lock, but Reks blocks it. Hawkins then grabs Reks’ arms and drags him out to the outside. Hawkins & Reks have words as Kidd tags in Gabriel in the ring. Kidd goes for a slingshot as Hawkins & Reks duck, but Kidd was faking them out as Gabriel gets a head of steam and hits a tope dive onto Reks on the outside. Kidd then goes out to the apron as Gabriel points him out to Hawkins. Kidd then drills Hawkins with the running kick on the apron. Gabriel sends Reks back into the ring and gains a nearfall. Tag into Kidd as Gabriel with a drop toe hold, followed by Kidd going off the ropes and hitting a front dropkick to the side of Reks’ head. Kidd with a forearm, then charges, but runs right into Reks’ boots. Kidd goes out onto the apron as Reks goes up to the middle rope, but when Reks tries to go after Kidd, Kidd nails him with an enziguri. Kidd goes up with Reks, setting up for a rana and when Hawkins comes in, Kidd kicks him away. However, that distraction allows Reks to lift up Kidd, then unceremoniously drop him stomach first across the top rope. Reks gains a nearfall while Kidd rolls out to the outside as we go to commercial.


Back from commercial as Hawkins hits an elbow drop on Kidd. Hawkins with a knee to the back of Kidd, followed by sending him headfirst off the top turnbuckle. Tag into Reks as Hawkins does his off the ropes trip-up, followed by Reks nailing Kidd with a soccer kick to the ribs. Reks unloads with a series of stomps to Kidd, who rolls out onto the apron. Reks then grabs his legs and drives Kidd throat first into the bottom rope. Reks gains a nearfall, then locks in a head and arm lock. Kidd tries to fight out, but Reks nails him with a knee to the gut. Reks then with a hard Irish whip that sends Kidd sternum first into the corner. Tag into Hawkins, who stomps Kidd while Reks was choking him. Hawkins now chokes Kidd, then diverts the referee over to Gabriel so that Reks can sneak in and choke Kidd some more. Tag into Reks, but when Hawkins tries for the trip-up again, Kidd leaps over his hand and then sidesteps Reks, sending Reks through the ropes and to the outside with Hawkins. Hawkins sends his partner back into the ring as Kidd tries to crawl over to make the tag to Gabriel.

Hawkins & Gabriel get the tags in and Gabriel nails Hawkins with a series of kicks to knock him down. Hawkins misses a clothesline and Gabriel then tiger flips over him, followed by nailing him with a spinning kick. Gabriel charges and connects with a running forearm in the corner, followed by the Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall. Hawkins fights back with a right hand, followed by hitting a sit-out slam for a nearfall. Hawkins places Gabriel on the top turnbuckle, but then Gabriel fights back with a slap to the face as Hawkins was talking trash. Gabriel then hits Hawkins with a leaping Tornado DDT, but Reks breaks up the pin attempt. Reks charges at Kidd on the apron, but Kidd catches him coming in by hooking Reks with his feet and sending him over the ropes and to the outside. Gabriel goes after Hawkins, but Hawkins sends him throat first into the middle rope. Hawkins then roll ups Gabriel for a nearfall. Hawkins charges, but Gabriel drills him with a roundhouse kick to the side of the head.

Tag into Kidd as Kidd & Gabriel hit a combination spinebuster/Top Rope Blockbuster on Hawkins for the victory.

Winners: “The Cape Town Werewolf” Justin Gabriel & Tyson Kidd by pinfall (Spinebuster/Blockbuster combo)


Back from commercial, we go to this week’s “RAW Rebound”, highlighting what happened on RAW when John Cena faced Johnny Ace & David Otunga in a Handicap Match before the main event.

Main Event
Drew McIntyre vs. “Long Island Iced Z” Zack Ryder

Lock-up with McIntyre backing Ryder into the corner before shoving him off. Another lock-up and Ryder shoves McIntyre off before yelling “LI, bro”. McIntyre with a kick to the gut, followed by a club to the back and finally a boot to the face. McIntyre with a leaping stomp to the back of Ryder’s head, then locks in a side headlock. Irish whip by Ryder, but McIntyre knocks him down with a shoulder tackle. McIntyre goes off the ropes, Ryder leapfrogs him, then McIntyre sends Ryder off the ropes, but misses a clothesline as Ryder nails him with a flying forearm. Ryder with a one man flapjack for a 1 count. Headfirst goes McIntyre off the top turnbuckle, then Ryder goes up to the middle rope and hits 6 right hands before McIntyre shoves him off. McIntyre charges, but Ryder catches him coming in with a Japanese armdrag. Ryder with another Japanese armdrag into an armbar. Ryder goes for an arm wrench, but McIntyre nails him with a right hand. McIntyre with a pair of stomps to Ryder’s hand, then nails him with another right hand. Irish whip by McIntyre, but Ryder moves out of the way on McIntyre’s charge in. McIntyre then misses a clothesline and Ryder sends him over the ropes and to the outside. Ryder gets a head of steam and nails McIntyre with a somersault plancha on the outside, with Ryder taking a hard fall himself on the outside. Ryder plays to the crowd as we go to commercial.


Back from commercial as Ryder nails McIntyre with a kick on the apron. Ryder tries to go after him, but McIntyre sends him face first into the ringpost. McIntyre mocks the LI pose of Ryder’s, then drills him with a suplex onto the apron. Back in the ring, McIntyre gains a nearfall, then unloads with a series of stomps & right hands in the corner. McIntyre with a snap suplex for a nearfall. Ryder fights back with a headbutt to the gut, followed by a series of right hands. Irish whip by Ryder, reversed by McIntyre, who catches Ryder’s feet on the charge in and throws him down to the mat. McIntyre gains another nearfall, then locks in a criss-cross choke. Ryder breaks free, but McIntyre comes back with a kick to the gut. Irish whip by McIntyre, but Ryder sidesteps his back body drop attempt with a kick to the chest. Ryder goes off the ropes, but McIntyre catches him coming in with a back elbow, followed by a series of jumping stomps to the head for a nearfall. Both men exchange forearms until McIntyre gains the advantage. McIntyre with a pair of stomps in the corner, then lifts up Ryder and sends him crashing down stomach first on the mat for another nearfall. McIntyre walks across Ryder’s face, then goes up to the middle rope, but as he leaps off, Ryder gets his boots up, nailing McIntyre in the face.

McIntyre charges, but Ryder catches him coming in with a back elbow. McIntyre misses a clothesline as Ryder goes off the ropes, nailing McIntyre with a flying forearm. Ryder with a faceplant as Ryder is all fired up. Ryder charges and connects with a running forearm in the corner. Ryder with a “Woo Woo Woo” as he charges again, drilling McIntyre with the Broski Boot for a close nearfall. Ryder tries to go after McIntyre, but the referee keeps him away. McIntyre then uses that to his advantage as he drills Ryder with a big boot to the head for a nearfall. McIntyre places Ryder on the top turnbuckle, then goes up with him. McIntyre tries for a superplex, but Ryder blocks it, then causes McIntyre to crotch himself on the ropes.

Ryder then leaps off the middle rope and nails McIntyre with a 2nd rope Rough Ryder for the victory.

Winner: “Long Island Iced Z” Zack Ryder by pinfall (2nd rope Rough Ryder)

Ryder celebrates with his hometown crowd as we go to credits.

This week on the Independent Roundtable:

  • Review of the 6/16 ROH TV, featuring Roderick Strong vs. Tommaso Ciampa
  • Predictions for this weekend’s ROH “Best in the World: Hostage Crisis” Internet PPV, as well as CZW’s “Tournament of Death XI”
  • A look back at last year’s CZW’s “Tournament of Death X”
  • Plus, the news of the week & much more!

    If you would like to send in questions on any of the topics discussed this week on the Roundtable, shoot us an e-mail at For more visit

    So with that, I will see you all next week for more WWE Superstars, have a great weekend!

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