HBK comments on the Chris Jericho incident

Shawn Michaels via Twitter:

“Wow, waking up to find twitter blaming me for an apparent suspension of @IAmJericho. Seems to me I’d blame the horrific PC world we’ve allowed ourselves to be caught up in where you can’t “act” & have it called “acting.” BS!! I’ll stand behind @IAmJericho any day of the week & twice on Sunday…what’s the big “E” stand for in WWE anyway!!. I honestly don’t see how many of you make it w/that much anger in your life…seems exhausting & a colossal waste of time!! See, that’s all I’ve got & I’m already tired!! Time to workout & hit my day. Y’all have a wonderful day!! 🙂

Had a nice txt’ing convo w/@IAmJericho and as always, he’s handling things well. Just wanted to lend him some support!! 🙂 “
