Abraham Washington continues his Twitter ranting

Former WWE star Abraham Washington via Twitter:

“So a dancer in the WWE gets a DUI and is suspended by the WWE for only 15 days while @BJRatedR gets fired for speaking his mind, etc. #BS

AW gets fired for dated joke, Cameron gets 15 days for drink driving and attempted bribery. #loljustice

As I said before @WWE allows you to disgrace other countries flag, have DUI’s, smoke marijuana, and do steroids but you can’t speak ur mind!

To those who don’t know I was fired for tweeting “Support Linda” I also tweeted “VoteOrDie4Linda” Vince didn’t get it

Linda Mac’s campaign is pretty important. Vince has spent alot of your money on his wife. The @WWE superstars aren’t getting the $, ask JTG!

JTG blasted their ass on twitter and they went on damage control quick! @WWE has something to hide….”
