Honky Tonk Man, Mick Foley updates

Cool, cocky and bad: Honky Tonk Man coming to Seaway Mall

– Honky Tonk Man said he’s shooting a movie later this year called Crushed Velvet.

Mick Foley wrote a blog which was posted on the TNA website explaining that he’s off television to give the younger guys a chance to shine and noted he didn’t mean to catch Bubba with his forearm. I know the cats out of the bag, but talk about going out of your way to publicly kill an angle. Foley wrote, “I know some people will claim I hit him on purpose because of the Awesome Kong incident, but that is not the case. I spoke to Bubba the day after that deal, and told him how I felt about it, then had a chance to discuss it on Bubba’s show and write about it on TNA’s website. So as far as I am concerned, there was no problem.” He also noted he was going to Phoenix for a comedy show on Saturday night with Ring of Honor wrestler Colt Cabana. “I don’t think too many people know this, but I have remained good friend with Ring of Honor owner Cary Silkin since my short stint in ROH several years ago. ROH is helping us out with this show by making sure that anyone who mentions the letters ROH when booking tickets for our comedy show gets a 15 percent discount.” (credit: The Wrestling Globe Newsletter)
