Vince McMahon mails WWE gear to Sec. of State

In a move than can only be described as “good natured, tongue-in-cheek ribbing”, WWE Chairman Vince McMahon send a giftbag of WWE apparel to Connecticut Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz.

As reported earlier this week, Mr. McMahon filed suit against Ms. Bysiewicz for the Secretary’s judgement that individual poll moderators could consider WWE merchandise “political attire”. Wearing political attire within 75 feet of a polling booth is considered unfairly influential and thus illegal.

Within days of the suit, Bysiewicz relented, releasing this statement:

“Be advised that it is the position of this office that simply wearing WWE apparel at the polls, including apparel with the trade name or logo of the WWE or the name or photograph of any WWE entertainment that does not display the name or photograph of Linda McMahon, U.S. Senate candidate, or the name or logo of Ms. McMahon’s campaign does not trigger a violation” of state statue, Bysiewicz wrote. “Further, even when an individual is found to be wearing campaign material in violation of the 75 foot restrictions, they should never be told to leave the polls. They should be simply asked to remove or cover the item or apparel in question. Once this is accomplished, the individual should be allowed to vote.”
