from Arda Ocal:
Arda Ocal & Jimmy Korderas catch up with “World of Hurt” trainer and former WWE superstar Lance Storm. Highlights:
Lance’s new show – “World of Hurt” and what it’s about
“[Unlike Tough Enough] It’s pretty much a finishing school. Pretty much everyone on the show has several years of experience. Everyone had at least a previous match. Everybody was previously trained, had some degree of experience – some of them, with several years. It was like taking them to the next level – not just how ‘to run ropes”
Lance’s feelings on initially hearing about Edge’s retirement
Lance Storm on the rankings of the greatest Canadian wrestlers of all time
“I hate doing lists – hate rankings and doing lists. When I was a fan, Bret was always number 1, in my books. People older than me might have someone from an older generation. I would say top 5 – I don’t think too many people will argue with that.”
Lance on being a Canadian wrestler who didn’t really represent the stereotypes of a Canadian
Lance on the positive impact Paul Heyman would have if he worked in TNA
Thoughts on Randy Orton and Kurt Angle using each other’s finishers and tweeting about it, and if Lance would get offended if a superstar stole “The Dance”
Hear the entire 14+ minute interview here: