Audio: “Bootlegs & B-Sides Show” for 8/17/11

The latest edition of “The Bootlegs & B-Sides Show” for Tuesday, August 17, 2011 is now archived and airing on the Wrestleview Radio Network with host Hunter Golden.

Topics discussed on this episode of “Bootlegs” for August 17th:

* Hunter returns to the Wrestleview Radio Network with a new sounds to “Bootlegs” this week.
* Hunter looks at the Wrestleview “Match of the Year” project for August of 2011.
* Take part in the “Match of the Year” project on the Wrestleview Forums at this link.
* That and more on this weekly podcast on the Wrestleview Radio Network!

Send Hunter your questions:
Secondary email: (add “Bootlegs” in the subject)
