Live report from Foley/Cabana tour

Steve Leboeuf sent this in:

Hey guys, I’m a huge fan of the site and just wanted to pass along some notes from the recent Mick Foley/Colt Cabana comedy tour I attended in East Providence, RI.

—Colt was out first and he was EXTREMELY funny. He came out with his props in a CM Punk backpack which he then commented how they are best friends and punk is making millions and that lousy bag was all punk gave him as a gift. Colt actually had some VERY unkind things to say about Ric Flair citing a tour of Europe not that long ago. He said that Flair was a complete “dick” even back when Colt was in the WWE as Scotty Goldman. Colt then pointed out that there wasn’t any bigger JEWISH name that WWE could have given him. I talked to him after the show and was telling him how I actually enjoyed the series of videos he did on over his brief stint on Smackdown, which said he did too lol.

—-Mick came out next…..we were front row right against the stage wearing Cactus Jack t-shirts which got us high fives from the hardcore legend as he came up onto the stage. Mick was AMAZINGLY funny. His references and one liners were up there with Louis CK, Chris Rock, or other great comedians in terms of its graphic nature and AMAZING delivery. Mick talked a great deal about his career, his books, his current role in TNA and just gave us an amazing show. At the end he allowed for some Q&A in which I was lucky enough to ask the first question. I asked him, based on what he’s written of Flair in his first book, and what Colt had just said of the man…what his thoughts were on the Naitch’ now. He actually said they’d mended the fences quite a bit. Nothing really note worthy other than the respect and admiration stuff you’d expect. Another person asked him why he came up with Mr. Socko and he replied “Because dropping elbows onto the concrete floor was getting old” lol. One final question was about Hulk Hogan in TNA..which I figured was gonna get the usual fluff answer (see Flair question for example) but Mick said that he was excited and “that’s what I’ve been saying for the last 5-6 weeks, that I was excited about his coming to TNA….Well he still hasn’t surfaced so I’ll keep saying that I’m excited about him coming to TNA.” Then he pointed out the name recognition and notoriety Hulk would bring to the company.

—-All and all an AMAZING show that was really inexpensive and well worth the price of admission. Just wanted to pass these notes along to you guys. Thanks for the hard work you do on the site.

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