Hosted by JJ Sexay, Harmony “Boom Boom” Jackson, Mark “The Shark” DiCarlo and “Internet” Dave Standish, “Sunday Night Showdown” has been an active pro wrestling radio show since August 2007. The show has now teamed up with to become part of the WrestleView Radio Network. All shows air live and FREE during WWE and TNA Pay Per View events at
Taking place this past Sunday (November 22), hosts JJ Sexay, Mark “The Shark” DiCarlo and “Internet” Dave Standish were live for a full three hours covering WWE’s Survivor Series PPV live from Washington, D.C. Listen to real-time reactions to the PPV as it took place live this past Sunday night featuring highlights of the two triple threat matches for the WWE Championship and WWE World Heavyweight Championship, Batista vs. Rey Mysterio, the Traditional Survivor Series Elimination matches and more. Plus, calls from live listeners.
“Sunday Night Showdown” will stream for free every Sunday when there is a WWE and TNA PPV, but the only way you can listen to the complete archive is to sign up now to become a VIP member.
To become a VIP at only $4.99 a month, click here!
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