Smackdown/ECW House Show: 9/14 - Jackson, MS - (HHH and Taker)

Reported by Adam Martin of
On Monday, September 15, 2008 at 3:31 PM EST

WWE Smackdown & ECW House Show Results - 9/14/08
Location: Jackson, Mississippi

Thanks to Kyle Faust for passing on this report by Jake and Charlie:

I just got in from going to the Smackdown/ECW house show and let met tell you that it was the best all around card that I have seen at a live show.

The evening got started with Justin Roberts coming out and announced that the ECW Title would be up for grabs and we the fans could choose the stipulation by texting our choice of either a 2 out of 3 Falls, Falls count anywhere or a No DQ match.

First match was Chavo Guerrero Jr. (w/Bam Neely) vs. Evan Bourne (who is steadily getting stronger and stronger pops every week) Chavo and Bam were getting in the ring during Chavo's entrance but he stopped Bam and put him in his place (like he did on SD! Friday night) and gets a chair for Bam to sit in at ringside and watch. The first three minutes of the match was basically Chavo stalling and getting heat from the fans at ringside. The match was very good and back and forth evenly throughout. Bourne is one of the best workers I have seen this early in his career. Bourne won with a quick inside cradle at the 11:43 mark.

Post match saw Chavo attack Bourne and calls Bam in to help him but Bam is hesitant at first but finally comes in after Chavo tells him who writes the checks around here. Bam is holding Evan up for Chavo but at last minute clotheslines him and leaves the ring for Evan to do the prettiest Shooting Star Press ever. Great warm up match that the crowd was into heavily.

Teddy Long comes out and goes up to the cheap seats to ask a lucky fan a trivia question. (Who won the ECW title at Unforgiven) Kid gets it right and upgrades to front row tickets.

Second match was a bit of a shocker because it was Jeff Hardy vs. Vladimir Koslov. I say shocker because me and my friend could not believe that Jeff was the second match of the night when he just became the number one contender. Vlad came out and gave the same promo he gives every week.. first half Russian second butchered English about wanting competition. Crowd gave him the What?! treatment and I have to say he caught on very quickly and paused at the right times for the crowd. The match was the shortest of the night and saw Vlad dominating most of it and I have to say that his head butt move to the chest looks very impressive in person and I do not know how he can keep doing that to his head. The end of the match started when Jeff made his comeback by giving two Whisper in the Winds in a row. I was trying to take a picture of the first one and didn't get a good look to see if it was botched and he did it again or just did two for good measure. Mule kick in the corner and the Swanton Bomb for the pin at 8:40.

Next up was Divas tag action. Maryse and Victoria vs. Michelle McCool and Eve Torres. I have been reading how crowds haven't been into the Diva matches but tonight was a different story. Michelle received a huge pop and the match was actually pretty good. Maryse still cannot wrestle but the suprise of the night was how well Eve can wrestle. I don't know if she has wrestled at house shows before but this was my first time to see her and she seemed very comfortable in there. End came when Victoria tried to interfere but Eve came in and gave a massive spear and surprised a lot of people then Michelle gave the Wings of Love maneuver to Maryse and won at the 11:47 mark.

Fourth match of the night was for the United States title and saw Shelton Benjamin defend against Jimmy Wang Yang. This was the longest of the night except for the main event. Shelton dominated most of the match with little spurts of offense here and there from Jimmy Yang. Crowd tried to stay in it but had too many dead spots and slowly lost interest. Shelton got caught trying to take a turnbuckle pad off and while the ref was putting it back together Jimmy rolled Shelton up for the imaginary three count and the match ended with Shelton hitting paydirt for the 1 2 3. 14:06 time for this match.

Finlay vs Mike Know was up next (why Hardy and Koslov went on before this one and was even shorter than this one is still got me scratching my head). It was basically like their match they had on ECW a few weeks back with Hornswaggle getting in a few cool spots and ended with Finlay hitting Knox with the Shillelagh after Horny distracted him and the ref and got the pin at 9:47.

After intermission it was time for the Fatal Four Way Elimination match for the Tag Team Titles with Hawkins and Ryder defending against Miz and Morrison (best tag team in WWE imo), Jesse and Festus and Carlito and Primo Colon. Either I didn't hear him say it for Justin Roberts didnt announce this match correctly because when Morrison pinned Festus in the beginning and crowd went quiet and thought the match was over. Even the little kids that ran up to the barricade before and after matches got faked out running up thinking it was over. But it continued and the second team to be eliminated was Miz and Morrison by Carlito hitting the Backstabber on Morrison. Match ended with Ryder rolling up Primo with a handful of shorts to retain titles. (10:13)

ECW Title match was up and the winning stipulation was No DQ. Teddy Long came down to inform Atlas that if he touched Matt Hardy, Henry would lose the match automatically. Hardy held his own most of the match but Henry would get his power moves in as well. Trash cans, chairs and the Steel Steps were used during the match. The end sequence was pretty cool with the steps set up in the corny Matt did a drop toe hold to Henry with his head landing in the little v shape part of the steps and Matt nailing his head with the chair. Henry stumbles up and recieves a Twist of Fate for the 1 2 3. (11:31)

Main Event time and it was a tag match with HHH & Undertaker vs. Khali & MVP. THis was a very special treat seeing Hunter and 'Taker teaming up together. This match lasted a long time with Hunter and Taker getting about equal time in the ring. MVP obviously worked most of the match for his team given who his partner was. End sequence has Taker getting double teamed taking out MVP, HHH getting the hot tag and him and Taker double team Khali. Hunter pedigrees Khali while Undertake choke slams MVP. Hunter pins Khali at the 22: 54 mark.

Time for the last match may be off because the guy next to me got too excited and hit my arm and I turned of the timer on my phone by accident.

All in all it was a very fun evening with the fans going home happy. The arena was about 3/4 full which is saying something for a house show in Jackson, Ms. Looking forward to them coming back again.

Jeff Hardy
Matt Hardy
Evan Bourne

Koslov (many USA chants)