Carlito critiques this week’s edition of TNA Impact

Carlito tweeted the following review of TNA Impact:

“well, i didnt see anything that bad except 4 that Lacey VonErich. TNA has a pretty good roster. That generation me looks like mini Hardys! Oh also, that Abyss segment. how is anybody supposed to believe that? He’s gonna show up next week after committing kidnapping and torture? Last time i checked that’s at least a 25 year prison sentence! is the Orlando police just gonna let it slide and let the face handle it? Not picking on Abyss, i like him. I just hate angles u cant believe. Like when Hunter broke into Orton’s house. I asked him if he was gonna b at mania? He asked why? I said u got arrested and they got everything on TV!..he didn’t find it funny! oh well. And what about that idiot that stabbed Cena? oh, wait a minute…nevermind!”
