Second report of 1/22 TNA event in Paris, France

Rocky Jr. sent this report in:

Just came back from Paris and the TNA Live Event from January 22.

Here’s the quick results with a few comments.

TNA Live Event
Date : 01/22/11
Location: Zenith de Paris, Franc
Audience: I heard 3.000-3.500 from staff but it was more in the 1.500 range from what I saw.

JB (USA) and Celian Varini (France) were the ring annoncers for the show.

– Kazarian defended the X Division title against Chris Sabin and Mark Haskins.
Usual X Division match with a lot of spots, Kaz won with his Reverse Piledriver finisher on Haskins.

Earl Hebner was introduced as “the most controversial referee in history” and he did his thing with the ref shirt, and Bret Hart sunglasses on.

– Mickie James & Angelina Love defeated Knockouts Champ “Queen” Madison Rayne & Tara.
Earl kissed Rayne at the match and danced lol. Then, Mickie gained the pinfall on Madison after her Jumping DDT.

– Rob Van Dam defeated “Cold Blood” Matt Hardy.
Finish came with the Five Star Frogsplash. Matt gave the “Cold Blood” eyes to RVD after the end then exited alone under boos.

– Beer Money w/Ric Flair defendes their World Tag Team titles by defeating Magnus & Douglas Williams.

The Brits wore their British Invasion pants. Funny thing about this match: Like Flair & Beer Money were too over and the Brits booed out of the building (almost literally), they switched roles quickly into the match. This made Beer Money the faces and the Brits the heels. Magnus’ face was funny when they got boos lol.

The Brits teased leaving the match quickly but Beer Money got them back in. Flair was awesome at ringside, reacting a lot, especially when Magnus got the Figure Four on Storm and later teasing fighting Earl Hebner. In the end, Storm spit beer into Williams’ face, Magnus got choped at ringside by Flair (wooo), Beer Money did the DWI on Williams and Roode made the pin.

After the match, Storm celebrated with a French flag ! 🙂

INTERMISSION, 5 people and a guest of them got backstage while we could shake hands and pose with JB for photos.

Next, Pope came out, then Jarrett who made Celan Varini, the French Annoncer, say that he speak regularly French but we didn’t deserve it. Jarrett said that he took care of Kurt Angle yesterday and he’s now done from the Tour.

– Matt Morgan & Shannon Moore defeated Jeff Jarrett & “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero.
Jarrett & Pope quickly made a Double Strut before being mocked by Moore’s own version (including the finger). Morgan only came in the ring near the end and ended it with a big Clothesline on Pope for the pin.

Dixie Carter came out to thank fans, sayong a few words in French before making Carini translate.

– Mr. Anderson retained the TNA World Heavyweight Championship be pinning Jeff Hardy.
An “Assholes” banner was rolled out for Anderson at ringside. Before the match, Anderson looked for the mic drop and made JB, on a chair, give it to him. Hardy screamed that it was “his” title.

After a good main event, finish came with Anderson blocking the Twist of Hate and hitting Mic Check for the 1, 2, 3.

After the main event, Anderson again did the mic thing and said he did want to stay. So we got a lot of the roster coming out for a ringside autograph session.

There was Anderson, Storm, Rayne, Tara, Morgan, Mickie, Kazarian, Haskins, Dixie, Pope, Sabin, Magnus, Williams, JB and Varini.

I got them all, only not Mickie (who passed us), Anderson (passed quickly after 15 or more minutes, he only clapped hand) and Tara (who disappeared quickly).

Oh, and a the end of that, I got to take a photograph and touch the 18.000$ Immortal World title from the security guy! ^^

All in all, a GREAT show, I had an amazing time, TNA Live is way better than their TV and than WWE Live Events (went to two), very friendly, well hosted and fan interactive. TNA Live = way to go, experience it whenever and whereever you can! 😉

Biggest Pops (1st then no particular order): Beer Money, Mr. Anderson, RVD, Jeff Hardy (crowd was split for him), Chris Sabin, Angelina Love & Mickie James (some haters though).
Biggest Heat (1st no particular order): Jeff Jarrett, British Invasion, Jeff Hardy (crowd was split for him), Matt Hardy, Kazarian, Madison Rayne & Tara, Earl Hebner (during the shirt segment).

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