Updated card for TNA Bound for Glory this Sunday

Here is the updated card for TNA’s Bound for Glory PPV this Sunday (10/14) live from Phoenix, Arizona.

TNA Championship
* Austin Aries (c) vs. Jeff Hardy.

* Sting and Bully Ray vs. Aces and Eights.

Street Fight Match
Special Guest Referee: King Mo

* Bobby Roode vs. James Storm.

TNA X Division Championship
* Zema Ion (c) vs. Rob Van Dam.

TNA Tag Team Championships
* Daniels and Kazarian (c’s) vs. AJ Styles and Kurt Angle vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez.

TNA TV Championship
* Samoa Joe (c) vs. Magnus.

* Al Snow vs. Joey Ryan.

TNA Knockouts Championship
* Miss Tessmacher (c) vs. Tara.

Just a quick reminder that Spike TV will present a special one hour pre-show to Bound for Glory beginning at 7:00 p.m. Eastern (6:00 CT).

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