SPOILERS: 10/5 TNA Impact tapings

Imthegame19 sent this report in:

Credit to: Jg4290

-Foley/Abyss promo-Foley makes Dr. Stevie will be the guest referee for the Abyss vs. Mick Foley Monster’s Ball match at Bound For Glory. A stipulation has also been added. If Abyss uses thumbtacks, he loses the match.

-The Amazing Red beat Samoa Joe for the X-Division title. Bobby Lashley came out and cost Joe the title.

-Kevin Nash vs Hernandez ends in a No contest or DQ because Eric Young piledrives Hernandez.

-Homicide & The Pope defeat Suicide & Daniels.

-Sting gave a promo and AJ came out than Angle came out challanged AJ to match next week

-Sarita, Taylor Wilde, Hamada & Christy Hemme vs. Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne, Alissa Flash, & Traci Brooks in a Elimination match. Rayne wins for her team.

-Joe and Lashley brawl around the iMPACT zone, Joe elbow drops Lashley through the spanish announce table.

-ODB defeats Tara. Kong comes out with a large hammer-type weapon and grabs So Cal Val by her hair. She distracts Tara, who kicks Kong through the ropes. ODB pins Tara to retain her title.

-The Main event was Matt Morgan & Abyss vs Mick Foley & Kurt Angle, mid way through the match Foley went to the announce table and replaced himself with Dr. Stevie, Stevie gets beat up, then he replaces Stevie with Daffney. I believe Morgan pins Dr. Stevie to win the match

Tazztazm354 also sent this report in:

– The Amazing Red beat Samoa Joe for the X-Division title. Bobby Lashley came out and cost Joe the title.

– Kevin Nash vs Hernandez ends in a No contest or DQ because Eric Young piledrives Hernandez.

– Homicide & The Pope defeat Suicide & Daniels.

– Sarita, Taylor Wilde, Hamada & Christy Hemme vs. Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne, Alissa Flash, & Traci Brooks in a Elimination match. Rayne wins for her team.

– Joe and Lashley brawl around the iMPACT zone, Joe elbow drops Lashley through the spanish announce table.

– ODB defeats Tara. Kong comes out with a large hammer-type weapon and grabs So Cal Val by her hair. She distracts Tara, who kicks Kong through the ropes. ODB pins Tara to retain her title.

– The Main event was Matt Morgan & Abyss vs Mick Foley & Kurt Angle, mid way through the match Foley went to the announce table and replaced himself with Dr. Stevie, Stevie gets beat up, then he replaces Stevie with Daffney.

Dr. Stevie will be the guest referee for the Abyss vs. Mick Foley Monster’s Ball match at Bound For Glory. A stipulation has also been added. If Abyss uses thumbtacks, he loses the match.

There will be a TNA & IWGP Tag Titles Ladder Match at Bound For Glory featuring Scott Steiner & Booker T vs. The British Invasion vs. Beer Money vs. Team 3D. Both titles will be hung so both sets of titles can be won

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