Beautiful People on their run in TNA

Phil Strum of the Poughkeepsie Journal has an interview up with TNA Knockouts Champion Angelina Love and Velvet Sky, collectively known as The Beautiful People. Here are some of the highlights.

On the rise of both in TNA Wrestling:
VELVET SKY: “The Beautiful People are the face of the Knockouts division and it didn’t take long for us, the fans and the company, to realize that we should have been in the top spot from the second we walked in the door. And look at us now. When it happened, we were like, oh, you know. We’re doing what’s rightfully ours to do. It wasn’t a shocker to us when they put us in the top spot. We expect it.”

On having fun messing with Jeremy Borash on TV:
VELVET SKY: “Oh yeah. JB’s, I mean he’s just a target. He’s got a bull’s-eye on him at all times that says, ‘Please, mess with me.’ He’s a good sport about it though.”

On adding Madison Rayne to The Beautiful People:
VELVET SKY: “Madison’s really come into her own. At first, we were kind of like, ‘do we really need a third girl with us?’ We were kind of both skeptical about it, but she’s really come into her own and she’s adjusted and fit in well with us, so we’re happy to have her.”

On the concussion Angelina Love experienced at Lockdown:
ANGELINA LOVE: “When I caught Taylor Wilde’s cross-body, I got her hip in my jaw and it knocked my jaw to the left and crushed it and then she landed on my head as well. I was completely knocked out from that minute until I got backstage. I was pretty much carried by four security guards to the trainer’s office. I was completely blacked out. I don’t even remember winning.”

On how she has been doing since the concussion:
ANGELINA LOVE: “I’m doing a lot better. I’m doing a lot better. It was really upsetting because I get really worried about head shots and concussions and how much they can affect you in your future. It was very, very upsetting when that happened. I know accidents happen and stuff. My head feels a lot better now. Honestly, it took my jaw about six weeks for me to actually be able to clench my teeth together again and be able to chew hard food and stuff on my left side. But, I’m totally fine now.”

On how well they knew each other before TNA:
ANGELINA LOVE: “We did one indie show together, in like 2004. 2003? And then when I was in WWE developmental, she came down for a week and stayed with Krissy Vaine and had like a five-day tryout. I don’t know. We knew each other a very, very little bit when we first started in TNA, but we’re so similar personality-wise and sarcasm-wise and everything-wise, that as soon as we started hanging out, we became friends.”

To check out the full interview, click here.
