Article: Why Smackdown is “killing” Syfy channel

James Nace passed this along:

There is a article on talking about how wrestling has killed sci-fi on the Syfy channel.

“WWE Smackdown is your highest-rated show, far and away. The fact that it is so highly rated — that no other show you make, scripted or unscripted, comes anywhere close — should tell you something. I’d like to tell you it’s because it doesn’t belong on your network, but I’m resigned to the fact that it is a breadwinner. But it is destroying good science fiction.

If you move it off of Friday nights, most of its loyal and ridiculously large audience will follow. WWE does monster numbers for USA Network on Mondays. Wrestling fans will watch Smackdown instead of NCIS on Tuesdays, because they are already in the habit of not making good life choices. Then your ratings still have the wrestling boost, but you’re back to having three hours of primetime real estate to nurture scripted drama.”

Full article:
How Wrestling is Killing Science Fiction
