Positive medical update provided on Jay Briscoe’s daughters

The organizers for the fundraising assisting Jay Briscoe’s (Jamin Pugh) family posted a positive update on the daughters medical status to Facebook. The transcript is below, courtesy of PWInsider.

“Last night, Jay’s oldest daughter Gracie had a “rough night” of lots tingling and itching in her lower legs after having a surgery to repair a dislocated hip.  She began occupational therapy today and has regained feeling in her lower extremities.  She has started to make movements in her lower extremities using her thigh muscles.  She has a long way to go, but this was a major, positive step.  Gracie was able to get up and sit in a wheelchair today.  She is now taking oral pain medications and is no longer on an IV.  She is “still groggy” from all the medications and has been getting a lot of sleep.

JJ, Briscoe’s nine-year old is still dealing with a lot of pain but was fitted with a back brace today.  She was able to get up and sit on the side of her bed today and also spent some time in a wheelchair today, getting her out of the bed for a little bit today.  She still has an NG tube in place and is still unable to eat or drink.  Doctors are hopeful that it can be removed tomorrow to allow her to return to eating normal foods.  She remains on an IV as well.  She has spent most of the last few days sleeping.

Each girl has a long road of recovery ahead of them, including physical therapy. Mark and Papa Briscoe were able to visit with the girls today at the hospital along with the girls’ brother Gannon.”

The following in terms of donations were also shared as below, courtesy of F4WOnline.

-People can still donate to the Pugh family fund which is nearly $50,000 past the $200,000 goal. While the limit will not be raised, donations remain open for the family’s medical costs and such.

-For those locally who are not comfortable with online transactions, checks can be sent to the Bank of Delmarva, made out to the Pugh Family Benefit.

-A t-shirt benefit by a Laurel local business will be started soon. The shirts will also be available online.

-A local business – A&K Enterprises also has a benefit t-shirt and “Pray for Pugh” stickers available.

-Those who want to send cards for the family and get well cards for the girls can drop them off at several locations in Laurel or mail them to Laurel High School in Delaware.
