The 2024 King of the Ring winner is…

Gunther is the 2024 King of the Ring winner.

Gunther defeated Randy Orton in the finals at Saturday’s King and Queen of the Ring PLE in Saudi Arabia to earn the crown.

Below is an excerpt from Mike Tedesco’s WWE King and Queen of the Ring recap of how it all went down.

Gunther falls to the floor, and Orton goes outside to get him. Orton’s chest is black and blue from the chops. Orton grabs Gunther and hits a back suplex onto the commentary table. The crowd chants, “One more time,” so Orton obliges. Orton gets into the ring to break the count-out. Orton goes outside, and Gunther shoves Orton into the edge of the ring apron. Orton wails in pain. The crowd once again chants, “This is awesome!” Gunther sets up for a Powerbomb on the floor, but Orton counters with all the strength he can muster to hit a back body drop. Orton then hits another back suplex onto the commentary table. Orton gets Gunther in the ring. As he gets in, Gunther hits a nasty dropkick to the knee. Orton falls into the ring. Gunther kicks away at Orton’s injured knee and applies a single-leg crab. Orton tries to fight out, but Gunther keeps it applied. Orton eventually turns over and kicks Gunther away. Gunther grabs the leg and puts the single-leg crab back on. Orton groans in pain and reaches for the bottom rope. Orton touches the bottom rope, so Gunther pulls him away. Orton kicks him away and hits an RKO! Orton crawls over and covers 1… 2… Gunther kicks out! Gunther hit the injured knee as he kicked out. Gunther powers Orton over and covers. Orton’s shoulder lifts off the mat after the count of one, but the referee keeps counting to three.
