Brian Fritz of AOL Fanhouse is featuring an interview with Ring of Honor owner Cary Silkin discussing the recent news that ROH and HDNet will end their two year television agreement effective April 2011.
“We appreciate our time with HDNet. As a regular TV show, they were the first ones to give us an opportunity. They made us look like a million bucks. Their production was fantastic. The good news is that they’re open to working with us to do a live special, hopefully in this year. That was legitimately spoken about so maybe we’re not fully done with HDNet yet and they’ll take another look at us through a live special.
It gives us an opportunity to … naturally, we’re going to look for another outlet. But besides that, we should be filling in some extra weekends now with some additional house shows. We have the time open and we’re also looking towards doing more of the i-pay-per-views (online pay-per-view shows) which are becoming pretty successful. We’ve gotten increased numbers on each one of them. The “Final Battle” (on Dec. 18) was significantly better and I think people are getting more accustomed to that forum of media. It’s new. As people are learning about it and they realize they can see the show live for not that much money, they’re enjoying it. So, we’ll be working on those aforementioned avenues.”
Full interview:
ROH President Cary Silkin Hopeful of New Opportunities