Bradley Grover sent this in:
Big Time Wrestling TV
Taped November 20, 2009 at the Castle of Knights(Knights of Columbus Hall) in Chicopee, MA
Aired January 8/9, 2010 on WZMY-TV(MyTV New England)
Hosts:Steve Sparta and A.J. Mitrano
Ring announcer:name unknown
Announcers:Major Devereaux and A.J. Mitrano
Referees:Holyoke Joe and Sal Gilliberto
-We’re back to normal this week as Steve Sparta is back to hosting after being absent last week. The main event this week has Big Rick Fuller facing his biggest challenge to date in Johnny Fabulous’ new find, “The Enforcer” Max Bauer.
-MATCH 1:The DelFonzo Brothers(Tony “The Fonz” and Eddie “Bam Bam”) vs Kristian Frost and Chris Camaro. “The Giant” Robbie DelFonzo and the DelFonzos’ uncle “Sweet” Scott Ashworth are not in attendance for this one. The DelFonzos display great teamwork and technical ability. Tony almost won for his team after he and Eddie hit a tag team spinebuster. Camaro hit Tony’s neck with his knees. Frost and Camaro couldn’t keep Tony down. Tony suplexed Frost and Camaro at the same time. Tony gets the victory for his team after he and Eddie hit a Superkick/Suplex combo. WINNERS:The DelFonzo Brothers
-Ads(BTW advertising, Pro Fitness Plus, Ticket Dugout, BTW fundraising, East Shore Athletic Club)
-Saprta and Mirano talk about the end of match 1 with Mitrano giving some respect to Tony and Eddie(a rarity for Mitrano) and lead us to match 2.
-MATCH 2:Big Rick Fuller vs “The Enforcer” Max Bauer(with Johnny Fabulous). Bauer is another of Fabuous’ hired guns to take Fuller out(Benny Juxx couldn’t get the job done a couple weeks ago on TV). Bauer is dominant at the start. Fuller turned it around with chops to the chest. Both men tried to chokeslam each other. Fuller hit Bauer with a superkick. Bauer hit Fuller with a barrage of closed fists. Bauer put Fuller in a sleeper hold. Fabulous distacted Sal Gilliberto near the end of the match. Fuller chokeslammed Bauer and gets the victory. WINNER:”Big” Rick Fuller. Fuller chased Fabulous to the locker room after the match.
-Ads(BTW fundraising, Sky Lounge and Bistro, East Shore Athletic Club, Superstar Pro Wrestling School. Ticket Dugout)
-A promo for BTW TV from The Patriot.
-Promos from Fuller and Fabulous.
-NEXT WEEK:Benny Juxx in action and BTW Tag Team champion Tre’ The Smooth Operatin’ Gangsta vs Antoine Roy
-A video look at Rick Fuller closes the show.
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