Indy News #2: CHIKARA King of Trios, !BANG! TV

CHIKARA sent this in.

King of Trios 2012 Available Now
on Smart Mark Video on Demand!

Relive all of the moments from every night of King of Trios 2012 thanks to our friends at Smart Mark Video! At you can watch all three nights of King of Trios 2012 and every single CHIKARA Season 11 event anytime you want by using their streaming video option! Start watching them instantly!

Dory Funk sent this in.

!BANG! TV Report – From the Miami Herald, “The Funking Conservatory, A Politics Free Oasis.”

Miami Herald photographer Patrick Farrell and WLRN-Miami Herald radio reporter Kenny Malone capture the faces and voices of the uniquely powerful Florida voter.

Their Travel takes them to the Funking Conservatory in Ocala, Florida where they find the Funking Conservatory is a “Politics Free Oasis.”

Former World Champion, Florida State All American and WWE Hall of Famer Ron Simmons Joins Former World Champion and WWE Hall of Famer, Dory Funk Jr. as Professional Wrestling returns to the !BANG! TV Sound Stage in Ocala, Florida this Saturday October 20th.

For ticket information and training schedules – Call now 352-895-4658 or you may purchase tickets online at

Now Featured on !BANG” TV an “Inter-Gender Battle Royal for the Light Heavyweight Championship of the World.

Join Dory Funk and Marti on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube –
