IWF: March 14 in Golden, CO

IWF sent this in:

Come join IWF Premier Pro Wrestling March 14, 2010 for our 6th Annual Beetlejuice Memorial show LIVE at the Buffalo Rose 1119 Washington Ave Golden, CO 5p Doors 6p Start $7 Pre-Sale $10 Door visit www.IWFPromotions.com for tickets or information

In Action March 14th:
FCW’s T-Bolt, IWF Premier Pro Wrestling Champion Hoodlum, The Miracle That Is Tony, Joshua Michael, Beetlejuice Memorial Match: Joey Terrofyn vs. Surprise Opponent, #1 Tag Team Contenders Match Blood Money vs. Capital Punishment vs. Arik Angel & Paul Stetich, Tommy Bouchet, Anderson 360, Tag Team Champions Primas Chaos, Fallout, Rob Ryzin & much much more…
Card Subject to change!
