Audio: “WrestleView Radio” for April 29, 2010

The latest edition of “WrestleView Radio” for Thursday, April 29, 2010 is now archived and airing on the Wrestleview Radio Network with hosts Adam Martin (Editor in Chief of, Hunter Golden (Managing Editor of and Doug Lackey (Columnist for

Topics discussed on the show:

* A brief review for the 4/26 edition of TNA Impact
* A look at the new “rankings system” for the Heavyweight division in TNA
* The good, the bad and the ugly as it involves the weekly Impact episode
* Thoughts on the Monday night ratings for Raw and Impact this past week
* News on a Knockout leaving TNA, Jim Ross’ status with WWE
* What TNA should be doing in terms of touring instead of staying in Orlando
* Response to a caller voicemail regarding our opinion of John Morrison
* And much more!

Don’t forget you can always email the show with questions and comments at

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