The staff and crew of the national TV hunting show “The Experience with Weston and Jodi Clark” (formerly Higher Grounds Outdoors) has finished filming the 3 episodes with Shawn and Rebecca on “The Experience with Weston and Jodi Clark”. The episodes was shot in Venado Creek Ranch in Texas last Febuary of this year and airs this end of July or August. The episodes will feature Shawn and Rebecca talks about hunting, hunts pheasant, shooting rifles and bows on their “dream hunts”. “The Experience with Weston and Jodi Clark” is featured on both the Pursuit Channel every (Wednesdays 12:30 AM EST / Wednesdays 7:30 PM EST / Sundays 4:30 PM EST) and on Sportsman Channel every (Tuesdays 8:00 PM EST / Thursdays 12:00 AM EST / Sundays 4:00 PM EST). You won’t want to miss any of the 3 episodes with Shawn and Rebecca Michaels on “The Experience with Weston and Jodi Clark”. Check your local listings for details. Click here for the behind the scenes photos.
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(thanks to Manuel Carter and Nico Bascon)