Audio: “Friday Fishbowl” for September 24, 2010

The latest edition of the “Friday Fishbowl” for Friday, September 3, 2010 is now archived and airing exclusively on the Wrestleview Radio Network with host Adam Martin (Editor in Chief of and special guests Chris Petta and Hunter Golden.

Questions answered on this week’s Friday Fishbowl:

#1: What’s bigger, Mick Foley’s ego or Matt Hardy’s delusion of being a main eventer?
(Submitted by Aaron)

#2: If Cena, Mysterio & Orton were all injured, who would you push as the number 1 babyface?
(Submitted by Ross)

#3: Hi guys, after listening to the ROH Glory by Honor post-show, I definitely am a fan of the Adam Martin/Dave Stephens combination. I love the bickering, it is almost a Josh Matthews/Michael Cole relationship, and it makes for a very entertaining radio show. Please do this again on the next ROH PPV or get him on the Fishbowl asap! (We talk about Ring of Honor anyway and why it has changed).
(Submitted by Dane from Down Under)
