John passed on this link to a sneak peak interview by Chris Mann (who wrote the Three’s Company book “Come and Knock on Our Door”) with former WCW and WWE star Bill Goldberg in a sneak peek of the October issue of Muscle and Body.
Goldberg is asked about rumors of a possible involvement at Wrestlemania 27 in Atlanta.
“It’s funny how social media has exploded. Anything you say can and will be used against you there. What are the chances? Not really good. The last thing I’m thinking about is putting on my Speedos again and running around in front of millions of people. Is it something I’m looking to do? Not at all. If the perfect situation was to arise and financially and careerwise it was the right thing to do without tarnishing the legacy…. You never say never.”
Full interview link:
Exclusive preview! Goldberg at WrestleMania 27?