Audio: “Reality from Ringside Radio” for 3/9/11

The latest edition of “Reality from Ringside Radio” for Wednesday, March 9, 2011 is now archived and airing on the Wrestleview Radio Network with host Doug Lackey.

Topics discussed on the latest “Reality from Ringside Radio” for March 9th:

* Doug talks about an “experiment” he decided to try out on Twitter before recording a new “3R.”
* 25 days until Wrestlemania 27: will it be a success and how would WWE consider it a success?
* A look back at past Wrestlemania PPV buyrates and when the bar was set for buyrate goals.
* Plus, Doug explains reason #2 of 5 why he has decided to completely abandon TNA Wrestling.
* That and more on this weekly Wednesday podcast on the Wrestleview Radio Network!

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