Audio: “Friday Fishbowl” for May 6, 2011

The latest edition of the “Friday Fishbowl” for Friday, May 6, 2011 is now archived and airing exclusively on the Wrestleview Radio Network with host Adam Martin (Editor in Chief of and special guest host Tom Van Stone.

Questions answered on this week’s edition of the Friday Fishbowl for May 6, 2011:

Question #1: (Submitted by Dane from Down Under)
What, in order (top 3), are the most popular weekly columns and radio shows on Wrestleview?

Question #2: (Submitted by Darragh O’Connor)
If you had to take the wrap for Jeff Hardy’s charges or be in the audience for December to Dismember 2006, which would it be?

Question #3: (Submitted by Bruce)
Now that you have celebrated two years, what were some of the biggest challenges about the VIP area?
