The latest edition of the Wrestleview “Conference Call” for Sunday, May 29, 2011 is now archived and airing exclusively on the Wrestleview Radio Network with host David Stephens.
On the program this month and making his debut on the “Conference Call” is Fred Richani of The Sports Courier. Topics discussed on this program:
* Starting The Sports Courier
* Favorite wrestlers/MMA stars interviewed
* His site being featured on Monday Night RAW
* Differences between the wrestling and MMA media worlds
* Breaking exclusive stories
* The importance of trustworthy sources
* In-depth discussion about TNA’s problems
* Ring of Honors’s sale and future
* State of Independent Wrestling
* Fred’s Top 3 favorite MMA & Wrestling stars
* Lessons MMA & Pro-Wrestling should learn from each other
* And so much more on this VIP exclusive only show airing on the Wrestleview Radio Network!