Young Bucks (Gen Me) on what went wrong in TNA

Jeff Jackson sent this in:

Interview starts at the 27 min mark

UnPlugged with JJ $exay returned to the airwaves on the SNS Radio Network located @ on 8-5-11 with special guests Nick & Matt Jackson The Young Bucks (formerly known as Generation Me). JJ opened the show with the Smackdown recap and was joined by Chris Kelly of The Boys were then joined by Nick & Matt Jackson of the Young Bucks. Topics discussed in the interview include: What happened in TNA, working with ROH, Being employed with TNA but not working shows or making money, The creative issues in TNA, RVD’s comments toward them, thoughts on The Kings of Wrestling and them going to WWE, Comparisons and diffrences between TNA & Ring of Honor, The decision to leave TNA and how it came about, and What does the Future hold for The Young Bucks. After the break Crelly covered the “News of the Week” including the releases from the WWE and the boys were then joined by “The Sensational Sequel” Sean to talk some gaming news. JJ also ranted about the newest trend in film & movies regarding etchnicities changing in longtime established characters. JJ opened the phone lines and took several calls topics included a Cena Heel turn, the PPV game, some video gaming talk, comics and ethnicities, Charles Shane of The CAWsCast and joined the show to announce the return of the CAWsCast and talk about the Cena topic. JJ hit a few emails before wrapping the show on this extended version of UnPlugged with JJ $exay.
