Matt O’Brien writes and maintains the poll every two weeks
A new year has begun and many have spent the last few weeks looking back on the year that was 2011. In the most recent poll on Wrestleview, readers were asked to participate in the reflection by casting their vote in regards to WWE’s creativity. Asked to give a letter grade, the results of the latest poll are as follows:
How would you grade WWE from a creative aspect in 2011?
A 19.95% (1,187 votes)
B 20.01% (1,191 votes)
C 20.05% (1,193 votes)
D 19.98% (1,189 votes)
F 20.01% (1,191 votes)
Total votes cast: 5,951
Results came in from all different angles with the final tally settling on a C grade. With nearly six thousand votes cast, the final grade came down to a small difference between all the choices. Both F and B grades were only two votes behind, while the D grade was just two votes behind them. Trailing by just a couple of more votes in last place was an A grade.
Grading WWE from a creative aspect is something wrestling fans do on a daily basis. Taking in a whole year is both challenging and exciting. Common critiques of WWE continue to focus on the direction of the John Cena character, as well as the PG rating. Others feel like the wheels are spinning, that creatively, WWE just isn’t what it used to be. Meanwhile, CM Punk remains a highlight for nearly every wrestling fan. Several of the comments mentioned Punk, as do most columns and articles looking back at 2011. He is seen as one of the most popular stars of the year, a refreshing alternative to John Cena, and part of a re-energizing. If there is one thing clear from the results of this poll, it’s that one wrestling fan’s meat is another’s poison.
It’s important to keep in mind that how WWE faired creatively will have a significant impact on the way 2012 goes. If you have a strong creative year, you have the momentum going into the New Year. There is a solid foundation that can be used. On the flip side, a bad year can put a company in a hole that will hard to get out of. Regardless of how good things are, things cannot turn around over night. Just look at WCW.
Thanks to all those who participated and be sure to vote in the current Wrestleview poll asking about Brock Lesnar’s possible WWE return!
Matt O’Brien