Former WWE champion Mick Foley was on the Busted Open radio show earlier today. Here are some of the highlights:
On TNA: “I look back, and I wish I’d appreciated the time I was with TNA a little more because I was frustrated when I was there with some things. I wrote a blog about it about a year ago, partially because I wanted to set the standard that this is how I felt about the company. I should’ve appreciated it for what it was, instead of trying to make it what I thought it should be, and I had the freedom to just have a really good time out there. There were some times when I would judge the success of my appearance by whether or not I could get Jeremy Borash to laugh. There were times when I would look over, and JB would have tears streaming down his face.”
On how he improved his promos: “When I really started making gains as a promo guy was when I stopped worrying about looking foolish. It sounds odd to say, but it was really during that time when I was with Herb Abrams’ UWF before ECW where I was like, ‘OK, I’m no longer going to feel funny.’ It wasn’t a conscious thing, but I realized, ‘OK, I no longer feel funny. There’s a director here and a camera guy and a sound guy; I’m just going for it.’ I started making immediate strides … the trick in wrestling was to make the promo as good in the ring as it is at 3 a.m. as I’m going down the highway. I’m specifically thinking when I came back in 2004 and was doing those Randy Orton promos. It was like, ‘If I could just make this as good in that ring as it is in my head in this car, it’s going to be [great].'”
On his relationship with WWE: “Even when I was estranged from WWE, I realized I could either be bitter and miss out on these four hours a week that my kids loved to watch, or I could join in and watch the show. Not only could I appreciate how good it was and see how well things were done there, but I could really enjoy the show, especially when they would throw my name around. One time it was in a clip about two years ago, and then of course that moment when they brought up my book was when I went from if a question came up about a Hall of Fame slot down the road I’d go, ‘I don’t know. It’s a big deal to my kids, I guess I’d do it,’ and then I was like, ‘Yeah, I’d do it. If they asked me I’d do it, no questions asked. I don’t care if I went on first, second, third, or fourth.'”