Articles on the cause of death for Bobby Jaggers

Hannibal Pro Wrestling sent this in.

“Hangman” Bobby Jaggers, had a wrestling career of over multi-decade years beginning in the 70’s. He wrestled with many big stars and was a frequent opponent of Dusty Rhodes.

His daughter, Amanda Jeaudoin-Cain was recently quoted in a Slam Wrestling article about his cause of death:

“Dad had been Hep C positive since being in Vietnam,” said his daughter Liz Jeaudoin Rohloff in an email. “He had some problems this past five years with his liver going to shit because of the Hep C.”

“This past weekend dad felt sick and was taken to the hospital,” said Jeaudoin Rohloff. “At the hospital dad had a infection in his blood. Since his liver was already weak it couldn’t clean the toxins and as a result it put a strain on his kidneys and his body shut down.”

Jaggers was not the only star of the “bloodbath” era of wrestling to have Hepatitis. The list of wrestlers who have come out about having it continues to grow. Bob Orton Jr, Jimmy Valliant, former World Champion “Superstar” Billy Graham have admitted to having the disease. Legendary blood gusher Abdullah “The Butcher” has also been accused of having it and has yet to provide any medical documentation showing otherwise. He has an ongoing lawsuit against him for allegedly passing Hep C to another wrestler (Devon Nicholson) by cutting him without permission with an unsanitary blade he had already used on himself. Hep C now kills more people then AIDS and is the number one reason for liver transplants in the US.

To read the full Slam article on Jagger click here:

To see a bloody match between Jaggers and Abdullah The Butcher click here:
