Lucha Underground Results – 5/13/15 (Patron vs. Hernandez)

Lucha Underground on El Rey Results
May 13, 2015
Boyle Heights, California
Commentators: Matt Striker, Vampiro
Recap by: Jason Namako of

Video highlights last week’s match between Alberto El Patron against Johnny Mundo to determine who will face Hernandez tonight in a #1 Contenders Match.

We go to the jail cell where Dario Cueto is keeping his brother, the monster Montaza, holding something in a bag.

Cueto: “They cost me half of Dad’s fortune, but I found them, then seven medallions of the Aztec tribes. Once united, they will make one warrior as powerful as the gods themselves, perhaps even more powerful than you. Papa would be proud, I plan to honor history by re-creating the battles fought for these medallions starting tonight. You know, maybe I will even bring a TV up here so you can enjoy the mayhem, too.”

Cueto leaves as Montaza seethes in his jail cell.

We go inside the Temple as commentary welcomes us to the show. Commentary talks about the #1 Contenders match tonight and that we will see a new star debut this week in the opening match. Ring announcer Melissa Santos then introduces the combatants in the opening match.

Aerostar vs. “From the Heavens” Jack Evans

This is Evans’ LU debut as he currently works for AAA in a tag-team with Angelico. Evans does his standard breakdancing before the bell. Evans with a leg kick early. Aerostar comes back with a dropkick as Evans tries to evade him. Aerostar walks up to the ropes and goes to the apron. Evans heads up top, but Aerostar stops him. Aerostar goes up top on a parallel corner, walks across the middle rope to the corner Evans is on and hits a Super Rana! Aerostar gets 2. Evans goes onto the apron, but Aerostar knocks him off with a Triangle Dropkick. Aerostar with a head of steam, flip dive wipes out Evans! Back in, Evans takes down Aerostar and hits a Victim Kick. Evans taunts the crowd, but Aerostar fights back with forearms. Evans catches a kick and takes down Aerostar, locking in a STF, but Aerostar gets to the ropes. Evans with a series of knee strikes, followed by a Windmill Kick. Standing Corkscrew Moonsault gets 2. Evans argues with the ref, then backflips over Aerostar and hits a release German. Evans again taunts the crowd, but misses a spin kick and Aerostar hiptosses him over the ropes and to the outside. Evans avoids another dive, but Aerostar flapjacks him face-first into the barricade! Evans hits a swinging kick on the apron, then goes on top of the barricade and HITS AEROSTAR WITH A 450 SPLASH ON THE FLOOR!! Back in, Evans heads up top and goes for a Phoenix Splash, but Aerostar moves out of the way! Aerostar slowly heads up top, clutching his leg, but Evans stops him with an enziguri. Evans heads up with Aerostar and taunts the crowd some more, but in doing so, Aerostar fights back.

Both men stand on top, TOP ROPE FLIPPING PILEDRIVER BY AEROSTAR!! 1-2-3!

Winner: Aerostar by pinfall (Top Rope Flipping Piledriver)

Both men are still down afterwards, selling the finish of the match, as we go to commercial.


Back from commercial, we go to the locker room with Big Ryck & The Mack with Ryck counting his money.

Mack: “Damn cuz, where you get all that green at? I mean, that’s a whole lot of big faces.”

Ryck: “My business is my business.”

Mack: “C’mon man, don’t be like that, we family.”

Ryck: “Being family didn’t help us to win those Trios Titles, did it? I know you got in this business to show off your fancy moves, maybe make some fans, but once you smarten up, this business is about one thing, making money while you can. For the right amount of money (lights cigar), I’ll even whup somebody in my own family’s ass.”

Ryck walks off.

Back to the ring, seven competitors are in the ring for some sort of match. Dario Cueto comes out to ringside and has a mic.

Cueto: “Tonight, you seven are gonna be competing for a very unique, but very valuable, prize. One of the seven Aztec medallions that represents the ancient tribes. And why should you want to get this? Because any one of these medallions will give you the chance for immortality. All I would say is the winner of this match will get the first medallion. So now, get me a referee and let’s start the match!”


Back from commercial, we go to the next match.

7-Way Scramble for one of Dario Cueto’s Aztec Medallions: Fenix vs. The Mack vs. Killshot vs. Pentagon Jr. vs. “They Call Him” Cage vs. King Cuerno vs. Sexy Star

The seven brawl with one another early. Savate kick by Pentagon sends Killshot outside. Slingblade by Mack sends Cage outside. Cuerno sends Star outside, Pentagon dropkicks Mack outside. Fenix dropkicks Cuerno outside, leaving Fenix & Pentagon in the ring. Spinning back kick and a big chop by Pentagon. Pentagon runs into a boot, then Fenix springs up the ropes and hits a missile dropkick. Both men charge at one another, Pentagon hits Fenix with a Slingblade for 2. Pentagon with a chest kick, a running boot and then SPIKES Fenix with a DDT for 2. Fenix avoids a Pentagon charge, Pentagon sails outside. Fenix swings outside and hits Pentagon with a rana on the outside! Fenix goes to run back in, but Cuerno nails him with a front kick. Killshot takes Cuerno down, but Cuerno with a big overhand chop. Series of evasions by Killshot, followed by a dropkick. Cuerno slips out of a suplex, running dropkick sends Killshot into the corner. Star heads up top, rana to Cuerno. Cuerno gives chase to Star, who scurries outside, allowing Killshot to hit Cuerno with a Windmill Kick. Cage in, TURNS KILLSHOT INSIDE OUT WITH A CLOTHESLINE!! Cuerno drop toe holds Killshot into the ropes, Cage hits Killshot with a 619 variation! Mack with a Bicycle Kick that knocks Cage off the apron. Cuerno with a running dropkick that sends Mack into the corner. Cuerno & Cage with a double suplex to Killshot & Mack. Cuerno & Cage head up top on opposite corners, Top Rope Splash by Cuerno to Killshot, Top Rope Elbow Drop by Cage to Mack. They go for stereo pins, everyone else breaks it up. Star with a series of chest kicks to Cage, but they have ZERO effect on him. Cage misses a clothesline, then he sends Star into hitting a running rana on Cuerno. Cage then this time hits Star with a clothesline. Fenix blocks a shot by Cage, hits a kick to the leg and a basement step-up enziguri. Mack with a running chest kick to Cage. Pentagon TURNS FENIX INSIDE OUT WITH A SUPERKICK!! Superkick by Killshot to Pentagon, then Mack & Killshot take turns hitting Pentagon & Fenix with running shots in opposite corners. Pentagon & Fenix then avoid their corner charges, with both being trapped in Trees of Woe. Pentagon & Fenix head up top on opposite corners, STEREO GHETTO STOMPS TO MACK & KILLSHOT!! Pentagon & Fenix then take each other out with a double clothesline. Cage & Cuerno cover them, but Star breaks up the pins with a double stomp to them both. Cage & Cuerno are incensed by this, double goozling Star, then they catch her off a crossbody, but she slips out of a fallaway slam and avoids a Cuerno clothesline, but Cage grabs her. Cuerno goes for a superkick, but Star ducks and Cuerno accidentally hits Cage! Star with a kick to Pentagon, then walks up the ropes in a knucklelock, but instead of doing something to Cuerno, Star wipes out Pentagon on the outside with a Top Rope Crossbody! Cage slips out of a slam by Mack, sends him shoulder-first into the ringpost. Pumphandle Sit-Out Facebuster by Cage, then Fenix with a Twisting Corkscrew Press to Cage. Killshot then with a 450 Splash to Fenix, but Cuerno breaks it up. Cuerno hits the Thrill of the Hunt on Killshot, but Star breaks up the pin. La Magistral by Star on Cuerno, but Pentagon breaks it up with a STIFF leg kick. Pumphandle Michinoku Driver by Pentagon to Star, but Mack breaks up the pin. Mack avoids the Discus Clothesline by Cage and hits him with a Samoan Drop. Mack kips up, then hits Cage with a Standing Moonsault, but Cuerno breaks up the pin. Fenix with a Windmill Kick to Cuerno, then Pentagon with a series of leg kicks to Fenix. Fenix with a spinning headscissors, sending Pentagon outside, then Fenix wipes him out with a Twisting Corkscrew Plancha! Cage then TURNS MACK INSIDE OUT WITH THE DISCUS CLOTHESLINE ON THE FLOOR!! Fenix gets back in and gets a head of steam, going for a tope suicida on Cage, but Cage CATCHES HIM WITH SUPLEX POSITION IN MID-AIR! Cage holds Fenix in a delayed suplex, then Killshot with a head of steam and WIPES THEM BOTH OUT WITH A NO-HANDS PLANCHA!! Cuerno motions for the Hell Arrow, gets a head of steam and wipes out Killshot with the Hell Arrow! Back in, Pentagon with a running dropkick, sending Star into the turnbuckles. Pentagon goes for the Package Piledriver on Fenix, but Star leaps onto him. Pentagon grabs her, though, and puts her in Gory Bomb position, while also still grabbing Fenix. PACKAGE PILEDRIVER/WIDOW’S PEAK COMBO BY PENTAGON TO FENIX & STAR!!! Pentagon goes for the Double Wristlock Armbreaker on Fenix, but Star breaks it up with a running dropkick. Pentagon gorilla presses Star and hits her with a Double Knee Gutbuster! Pentagon misses a clothesline on Fenix, Reverse Rana by Fenix!

Standing Moonsault by Fenix for the win.

Winner of an Aztec Medallion: Fenix by pinfall (Standing Moonsault)

Fenix celebrates his win afterward while Pentagon is left fuming as we go to commercial.


Back from commercial, we go to Dario Cueto’s office, where he is there with Trios Champions Son of Havoc, Angelico & Ivelisse.

Cueto: “I like you guys, I really do. I never thought you could survive as a team, let alone win my Trios Titles. But, the fact is Castro & Mr. Cisco beat you guys last week, so I have given The Crew a shot at your belts.”

Havoc: “But her leg is still broken.”

Ivelisse: “I only need my hands to beat their punk-asses.”

Cueto: “Yes, but you will need your legs too if you want to retain your titles because next week, you three are facing in a Crew in a Ladder Match.”

Ivelisse: “What?”

Cueto: “Or, I could strip you of the titles now and save you from any more injuries.”

Angelico: “No, we fight.”

Havoc: “We fight.”

Ivelisse: “Damn right we fight.”

Havoc & Angelico leave and go to help Ivelisse out from her chair, but she shoos them off. She then orders them to help her out of the office as Cueto has a smile on his face.

We go to the locker room, where Fenix is getting changed after his match, when all of a sudden, the lights flicker and when they come back on, Catrina is there.

Catrina: “Silly Fenix, you fell right into my trap. You made the mistake when you buried Mil, he needed your power of a thousand lives so he could be reborn even stronger than before. And now that he is, he’s coming for you. Hmm, you’re just a pawn for death.”

The lights flicker and Catrina vanishes, however when Fenix turns around, three guys with skull masks hover over Fenix on top of the lockers. The three men jump off the lockers, seemingly onto Fenix, as we leave the locker room and go to commercial.


Back from commercial, its time for the main event.

Main Event in a #1 Contenders Match: “Super-Mex” Hernandez vs. AAA Mega Champion Alberto El Patron

Alberto backs Hernandez into the corner, breaks clean. Hernandez backs Alberto in the corner, breaks clean also. Hernandez with a gut kick, sends Alberto into the corner. Series of shoulders to the ribs, Alberto sent shoulder-first into the ringpost. Hernandez drives Alberto back-first into the apron multiple times. Back in, Alberto sent off the turnbuckles, but avoids a Hernandez corner charge. Two clotheslines, Hernandez misses a clothesline, Backstabber by Alberto gets 2. Alberto goes for the basement superkick, but Hernandez avoids it and hits Get Off of Me. Hernandez unloads with right hands from the mount on Alberto, then hits a drop-down backbreaker across his own shoulder for a close 2. Alberto comes back with the Divorce Court across the knees, followed by this time hitting the basement superkick for a close 2. Alberto can’t believe it! Alberto calls for the Rolling Cross Armbreaker, but all of a sudden, Johnny Mundo runs out and pulls Alberto outside, then hits him with a DDT on the floor! Mundo lifts up Alberto, then DRIVES HIM THROUGH THE WINDOW OF DARIO CUETO’S OFFICE!! We see Cueto inside his office with a surprised and somewhat impressed look on his face about Mundo has done. Mundo throws Alberto, who is busted wide open, back into the ring and glares at him.

Hernandez takes advantage and pins Alberto for the win.

Winner and #1 Contender to the Lucha Underground Title: “Super-Mex” Hernandez by pinfall

Hernandez celebrates his win afterward while Mundo helps up the Temple steps. Cueto looks on from his office with an impressed look on his face, while medical attendants tend to Alberto in the ring. A towel is placed over his bloodied head and Alberto is placed on a stretcher, while Mundo yells from the steps, “this is my world”, as the show closes.

Video highlights last week’s match between Alberto El Patron against Johnny Mundo to determine who will face Hernandez tonight in a #1 Contenders Match.


We go to the jail cell where Dario Cueto is keeping his brother, the monster Montaza, holding something in a bag.


Cueto: “They cost me half of Dad’s fortune, but I found them, then seven medallions of the Aztec tribes. Once united, they will make one warrior as powerful as the gods themselves, perhaps even more powerful than you. Papa would be proud, I plan to honor history by re-creating the battles fought for these medallions starting tonight. You know, maybe I will even bring a TV up here so you can enjoy the mayhem, too.”


Cueto leaves as Montaza seethes in his jail cell.


We go inside the Temple as commentary welcomes us to the show. Commentary talks about the #1 Contenders match tonight and that we will see a new star debut this week in the opening match. Ring announcer Melissa Santos then introduces the combatants in the opening match.


Aerostar vs. “From the Heavens” Jack Evans


This is Evans’ LU debut as he currently works for AAA in a tag-team with Angelico. Evans does his standard breakdancing before the bell. Evans with a leg kick early. Aerostar comes back with a dropkick as Evans tries to evade him. Aerostar walks up to the ropes and goes to the apron. Evans heads up top, but Aerostar stops him. Aerostar goes up top on a parallel corner, walks across the middle rope to the corner Evans is on and hits a Super Rana! Aerostar gets 2. Evans goes onto the apron, but Aerostar knocks him off with a Triangle Dropkick. Aerostar with a head of steam, flip dive wipes out Evans! Back in, Evans takes down Aerostar and hits a Victim Kick. Evans taunts the crowd, but Aerostar fights back with forearms. Evans catches a kick and takes down Aerostar, locking in a STF, but Aerostar gets to the ropes. Evans with a series of knee strikes, followed by a Windmill Kick. Standing Corkscrew Moonsault gets 2. Evans argues with the ref, then backflips over Aerostar and hits a release German. Evans again taunts the crowd, but misses a spin kick and Aerostar hiptosses him over the ropes and to the outside. Evans avoids another dive, but Aerostar flapjacks him face-first into the barricade! Evans hits a swinging kick on the apron, then goes on top of the barricade and HITS AEROSTAR WITH A 450 SPLASH ON THE FLOOR!! Back in, Evans heads up top and goes for a Phoenix Splash, but Aerostar moves out of the way! Aerostar slowly heads up top, clutching his leg, but Evans stops him with an enziguri. Evans heads up with Aerostar and taunts the crowd some more, but in doing so, Aerostar fights back.


Both men stand on top, TOP ROPE FLIPPING PILEDRIVER BY AEROSTAR!! 1-2-3!


Winner: Aerostar by pinfall (Top Rope Flipping Piledriver)


Both men are still down afterwards, selling the finish of the match, as we go to commercial.




Back from commercial, we go to the locker room with Big Ryck & The Mack with Ryck counting his money.


Mack: “Damn cuz, where you get all that green at? I mean, that’s a whole lot of big faces.”


Ryck: “My business is my business.”


Mack: “C’mon man, don’t be like that, we family.”


Ryck: “Being family didn’t help us to win those Trios Titles, did it? I know you got in this business to show off your fancy moves, maybe make some fans, but once you smarten up, this business is about one thing, making money while you can. For the right amount of money (lights cigar), I’ll even whup somebody in my own family’s ass.”


Ryck walks off.


Back to the ring, seven competitors are in the ring for some sort of match. Dario Cueto comes out to ringside and has a mic.


Cueto: “Tonight, you seven are gonna be competing for a very unique, but very valuable, prize. One of the seven Aztec medallions that represents the ancient tribes. And why should you want to get this? Because any one of these medallions will give you the chance for immortality. All I would say is the winner of this match will get the first medallion. So now, get me a referee and let’s start the match!”




Back from commercial, we go to the next match.


7-Way Scramble for one of Dario Cueto’s Aztec Medallions: Fenix vs. The Mack vs. Killshot vs. Pentagon Jr. vs. “They Call Him” Cage vs. King Cuerno vs. Sexy Star


The seven brawl with one another early. Savate kick by Pentagon sends Killshot outside. Slingblade by Mack sends Cage outside. Cuerno sends Star outside, Pentagon dropkicks Mack outside. Fenix dropkicks Cuerno outside, leaving Fenix & Pentagon in the ring. Spinning back kick and a big chop by Pentagon. Pentagon runs into a boot, then Fenix springs up the ropes and hits a missile dropkick. Both men charge at one another, Pentagon hits Fenix with a Slingblade for 2. Pentagon with a chest kick, a running boot and then SPIKES Fenix with a DDT for 2. Fenix avoids a Pentagon charge, Pentagon sails outside. Fenix swings outside and hits Pentagon with a rana on the outside! Fenix goes to run back in, but Cuerno nails him with a front kick. Killshot takes Cuerno down, but Cuerno with a big overhand chop. Series of evasions by Killshot, followed by a dropkick. Cuerno slips out of a suplex, running dropkick sends Killshot into the corner. Star heads up top, rana to Cuerno. Cuerno gives chase to Star, who scurries outside, allowing Killshot to hit Cuerno with a Windmill Kick. Cage in, TURNS KILLSHOT INSIDE OUT WITH A CLOTHESLINE!! Cuerno drop toe holds Killshot into the ropes, Cage hits Killshot with a 619 variation! Mack with a Bicycle Kick that knocks Cage off the apron. Cuerno with a running dropkick that sends Mack into the corner. Cuerno & Cage with a double suplex to Killshot & Mack. Cuerno & Cage head up top on opposite corners, Top Rope Splash by Cuerno to Killshot, Top Rope Elbow Drop by Cage to Mack. They go for stereo pins, everyone else breaks it up. Star with a series of chest kicks to Cage, but they have ZERO effect on him. Cage misses a clothesline, then he sends Star into hitting a running rana on Cuerno. Cage then this time hits Star with a clothesline. Fenix blocks a shot by Cage, hits a kick to the leg and a basement step-up enziguri. Mack with a running chest kick to Cage. Pentagon TURNS FENIX INSIDE OUT WITH A SUPERKICK!! Superkick by Killshot to Pentagon, then Mack & Killshot take turns hitting Pentagon & Fenix with running shots in opposite corners. Pentagon & Fenix then avoid their corner charges, with both being trapped in Trees of Woe. Pentagon & Fenix head up top on opposite corners, STEREO GHETTO STOMPS TO MACK & KILLSHOT!! Pentagon & Fenix then take each other out with a double clothesline. Cage & Cuerno cover them, but Star breaks up the pins with a double stomp to them both. Cage & Cuerno are incensed by this, double goozling Star, then they catch her off a crossbody, but she slips out of a fallaway slam and avoids a Cuerno clothesline, but Cage grabs her. Cuerno goes for a superkick, but Star ducks and Cuerno accidentally hits Cage! Star with a kick to Pentagon, then walks up the ropes in a knucklelock, but instead of doing something to Cuerno, Star wipes out Pentagon on the outside with a Top Rope Crossbody! Cage slips out of a slam by Mack, sends him shoulder-first into the ringpost. Pumphandle Sit-Out Facebuster by Cage, then Fenix with a Twisting Corkscrew Press to Cage. Killshot then with a 450 Splash to Fenix, but Cuerno breaks it up. Cuerno hits the Thrill of the Hunt on Killshot, but Star breaks up the pin. La Magistral by Star on Cuerno, but Pentagon breaks it up with a STIFF leg kick. Pumphandle Michinoku Driver by Pentagon to Star, but Mack breaks up the pin. Mack avoids the Discus Clothesline by Cage and hits him with a Samoan Drop. Mack kips up, then hits Cage with a Standing Moonsault, but Cuerno breaks up the pin. Fenix with a Windmill Kick to Cuerno, then Pentagon with a series of leg kicks to Fenix. Fenix with a spinning headscissors, sending Pentagon outside, then Fenix wipes him out with a Twisting Corkscrew Plancha! Cage then TURNS MACK INSIDE OUT WITH THE DISCUS CLOTHESLINE ON THE FLOOR!! Fenix gets back in and gets a head of steam, going for a tope suicida on Cage, but Cage CATCHES HIM WITH SUPLEX POSITION IN MID-AIR! Cage holds Fenix in a delayed suplex, then Killshot with a head of steam and WIPES THEM BOTH OUT WITH A NO-HANDS PLANCHA!! Cuerno motions for the Hell Arrow, gets a head of steam and wipes out Killshot with the Hell Arrow! Back in, Pentagon with a running dropkick, sending Star into the turnbuckles. Pentagon goes for the Package Piledriver on Fenix, but Star leaps onto him. Pentagon grabs her, though, and puts her in Gory Bomb position, while also still grabbing Fenix. PACKAGE PILEDRIVER/WIDOW’S PEAK COMBO BY PENTAGON TO FENIX & STAR!!! Pentagon goes for the Double Wristlock Armbreaker on Fenix, but Star breaks it up with a running dropkick. Pentagon gorilla presses Star and hits her with a Double Knee Gutbuster! Pentagon misses a clothesline on Fenix, Reverse Rana by Fenix!


Standing Moonsault by Fenix for the win.


Winner of an Aztec Medallion: Fenix by pinfall (Standing Moonsault)


Fenix celebrates his win afterward while Pentagon is left fuming as we go to commercial.




Back from commercial, we go to Dario Cueto’s office, where he is there with Trios Champions Son of Havoc, Angelico & Ivelisse.


Cueto: “I like you guys, I really do. I never thought you could survive as a team, let alone win my Trios Titles. But, the fact is Castro & Mr. Cisco beat you guys last week, so I have given The Crew a shot at your belts.”


Havoc: “But her leg is still broken.”


Ivelisse: “I only need my hands to beat their punk-asses.”


Cueto: “Yes, but you will need your legs too if you want to retain your titles because next week, you three are facing in a Crew in a Ladder Match.”


Ivelisse: “What?”


Cueto: “Or, I could strip you of the titles now and save you from any more injuries.”


Angelico: “No, we fight.”


Havoc: “We fight.”


Ivelisse: “Damn right we fight.”


Havoc & Angelico leave and go to help Ivelisse out from her chair, but she shoos them off. She then orders them to help her out of the office as Cueto has a smile on his face.


We go to the locker room, where Fenix is getting changed after his match, when all of a sudden, the lights flicker and when they come back on, Catrina is there.


Catrina: “Silly Fenix, you fell right into my trap. You made the mistake when you buried Mil, he needed your power of a thousand lives so he could be reborn even stronger than before. And now that he is, he’s coming for you. Hmm, you’re just a pawn for death.”


The lights flicker and Catrina vanishes, however when Fenix turns around, three guys with skull masks hover over Fenix on top of the lockers. The three men jump off the lockers, seemingly onto Fenix, as we leave the locker room and go to commercial.




Back from commercial, its time for the main event.


Main Event in a #1 Contenders Match: “Super-Mex” Hernandez vs. AAA Mega Champion Alberto El Patron


Alberto backs Hernandez into the corner, breaks clean. Hernandez backs Alberto in the corner, breaks clean also. Hernandez with a gut kick, sends Alberto into the corner. Series of shoulders to the ribs, Alberto sent shoulder-first into the ringpost. Hernandez drives Alberto back-first into the apron multiple times. Back in, Alberto sent off the turnbuckles, but avoids a Hernandez corner charge. Two clotheslines, Hernandez misses a clothesline, Backstabber by Alberto gets 2. Alberto goes for the basement superkick, but Hernandez avoids it and hits Get Off of Me. Hernandez unloads with right hands from the mount on Alberto, then hits a drop-down backbreaker across his own shoulder for a close 2. Alberto comes back with the Divorce Court across the knees, followed by this time hitting the basement superkick for a close 2. Alberto can’t believe it! Alberto calls for the Rolling Cross Armbreaker, but all of a sudden, Johnny Mundo runs out and pulls Alberto outside, then hits him with a DDT on the floor! Mundo lifts up Alberto, then DRIVES HIM THROUGH THE WINDOW OF DARIO CUETO’S OFFICE!! We see Cueto inside his office with a surprised and somewhat impressed look on his face about Mundo has done. Mundo throws Alberto, who is busted wide open, back into the ring and glares at him.


Hernandez takes advantage and pins Alberto for the win.


Winner and #1 Contender to the Lucha Underground Title: “Super-Mex” Hernandez by pinfall


Hernandez celebrates his win afterward while Mundo helps up the Temple steps. Cueto looks on from his office with an impressed look on his face, while medical attendants tend to Alberto in the ring. A towel is placed over his bloodied head and Alberto is placed on a stretcher, while Mundo yells from the steps, “this is my world”, as the show closes.


