Audio: “Bootlegs” for 3/10/10

The latest edition of “The Bootlegs & B-Sides Show” for Wednesday, March 10, 2010 is now archived and airing on the WrestleView Radio Network with’s Managing Editor Hunter Golden.

Topics discussed on the show:

* Breakdown of the Monday night TV ratings between Raw and Impact
* Where TNA goes from here after drawing a 1.0 cable rating
* A look at the quarters hours, what was and wasn’t successful
* Why it was depressing to see Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair in the ring
* A review of the 3/9 edition of WWE NXT
* Awesome Kong’s future in pro wrestling
* And much more!

Don’t forget you can always email Hunter with questions and comments at Be sure to add “Bootlegs” in the subject. The only way you can listen is by signing up to become a VIP!

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