Kayfabe Commentaries sent this in:
Sheepherder Luke the Latest Guest Booker
TL Hopper versus Abe “Knuckleball” Schwartz in a barbed wire, baseball bat match? Ever happen?
Of course not. But it could have if the latest Guest Booker were to really have happened. The premise of the most recent edition of the popular and revolutionary DVD series has Sheepherder Luke given the responsibility of transforming WWE’s cartoonish 1993 lineup into a hardcore, racy, and bloody without changing the roster. Luke Williams’ booking resume spans the globe, but most notable for this series is his work booking for Puerto Rico.
The DVD explores working and booking the hardcore style long before ECW, and the difficulties that accompanied it. Then in the trademark booking exercise, Luke is given the ’93 roster and told to go wild. Among the highlights include homosexual rape, cross dressing, barbed wire of course, animal torture, toilet play, and the return of The Sheepherders.
The disc is on sale today at http://www.kayfabecommentaries.com.