Miscellaneous & indy videos for 2/23/14

Thomas Rude sent this in.


2/19/14 Snakepit Adelaide Pro Wrestling “Powerslam” TV http://youtu.be/XbmUuGBb2is 

2/23/14 Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling “Wrestling Explosion” http://youtu.be/hMK9eLzu1Cc 

Reality of Wrestling TV (Episode 3) http://youtu.be/bBuZfPAdfhg 

2/19 Ace Overdrive TV http://youtu.be/2Ufous2mVOg 

East Coast Wrestling Association “Code Red” TV (Season 1, Episode 3) http://blip.tv/ECWAcodeRed/ecwa-code-red-season-1-episode-3-6725635 

Ohio Valley Wrestling TV (Episode 747) http://blip.tv/ovw/ovw-tv-757-blip-tv-6725826 

Insane Championship Wrestling “Worldwide” TV (Season 2, Episode 3) http://youtu.be/wDeiF98-Ylg 

New England Championship Wrestling (Episode 47) http://youtu.be/1IRqPP-N1Vw 

West Virginia Championship Wrestling TV (Episode 164) http://youtu.be/Y_94Y5kuUwg 

AIWF Mid-Atlantic TV (Episode 162) http://youtu.be/CZP7LA2ePtg 


Dad You Don’t Work, You Wrestle (Episode 61) http://youtu.be/KsBNMA5QYtQ 

Eddie Kingston Shoots on CM Punk http://youtu.be/4URuhPRQ1AQ 

Impact Pro Wrestling “Throwback Thursday” (Episode 3) http://youtu.be/hPJCKZDAXko 

2/20/14 West Virginia Championship Wrestling “Daily Blast” http://youtu.be/esbOSsFBrzM 

2/20/14 #GimmickTable http://youtu.be/-TDqB20xnbQ 

The Candice & Joey Show (Episode 24) http://youtu.be/PIHOkL6HovI 

Ringside Collectibles’ “Ringside or Riot” (Season 3, Episode 19) http://youtu.be/s1PXu7RRlgY 

The Apter Chat: Crimson http://youtu.be/HZ2a9S0AiDo 

River City Wrestling on KENS-TV 2/20/14 http://youtu.be/Ff7vKFrA7_w 

Zane & Caleb #POTW-Meet & Greet http://youtu.be/Zp_PnZHNeCk 

Ringside Collectibles’ “Ringside Or Riot” (Season 3, Episode 19) http://youtu.be/s1PXu7RRlgY 

AJ Styles Is Ready For Jay Lethal Tonight http://youtu.be/E09wNIfPua8 

Balls Mahoney Buries Wade Keller (CAUTION: Course Language) http://youtu.be/aogrPHD84iI 

2/22/14 West Virginia Championship Wrestling “Daily Blast” http://youtu.be/s4TeGy3Sf_4 

Hogan to Host Wrestlemania XXX-The Apter Reaction http://youtu.be/dfP34i5p9Wg 

1/22/14 PWR Primetime Wrestling Talk (TV Version) http://youtu.be/Z9rPx0UAjYM 

Top 30 Moves of Blitzkrieg http://youtu.be/17ceAF8vg48 
