BOUND FOR GLORY: Love vs. Sky vs. Rayne vs. Tara

TNA Knockouts Championship – Four Corners Match
Special guest referee: Mickie James
Angelina Love (c) vs. Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne vs. Tara

We start with Angelina Love and Velvet Sky with Madison Rayne and Tara looking on. See, you have to tag yourself in. Sky with a quick snapmare takedown on Sky. Love with a leg sweep. Double shoulder block from both ladies. Madison Rayen tags herself in and Love drop toe holds her down to the mat. Rayne starts choking Love in the corner with her boot. Love with a big scoop slam on Rayne and Tara breaks up a pinfall attempt. Tag to Tara who pulls LOve over her back by her hair. Sky with a big spinning head scissors takedown on Tara. Sky with a big running bulldog on Tara. Tara drops Sky with a boot and then drops Love with a side slam. Sky with a dropkick to Tara and Rayne is in hitting a big knee to the face. Love drops Tara with a big kick. Rayne drops Love off her knees. Sky with a jumping DDT on Rayne. Sky counters Widow’s Peak and sends Tara into Rayne on the ring apron who falls off onto Love. Tara then rolls up Sky and gets the pinfall.

Winner & NEW TNA Knockouts Champion: Tara

After the match, Madison Rayne is upset and gets in the face of the new Knockouts champion Tara. Tara is speechless acting as if she didn’t mean to win the match. Rayne then pushes down special guest referee Mickie James. James then takes out Rayne and blows a kiss to Tara before heading to the back.

Backstage, Christy Hemme is with Eric Young. He said Orlando Jordan’s family was ignorant to his lifestyle. Young said who cares if he is bi…polar. Orlando Jordan walks up in a new outfit scaring Young. Jordan reveals it to be him and they walk off.
