Results courtesy of
Dark Matches:
(1) Madison Rayne d. Jennifer Blake.
(2) Jay Lethal d. Brad Idol.
Jeremy Buck d. Jesse Neal.
(1) Abyss vs Pope went to a no contest. Pope challenged Abyss to a lumberjack match with his congregation and Abyss accepted.
– Eric Bischoff comes out in karate gear and beats up a referee and fires him. He says tonight it will be himself vs Mr. Anderson and Anderson must win to get his title shot.
– Backstage EV2 and Fortune are arguing. Rhino trys to Gore Styles but misses and nails RVD instead.
(2) Sarita d. Velvet Sky.
(3) Mickie James & Ink Inc. d. Generation Me and Tara.
– Jeff Jarrett comes out and cuts a heel promo on Joe and Angle. Joe comes out and beats JJ and his security down.
(4) AJ Styles d. Rhino and RVD in a three way. Rhino and RVD couldn’t get along during the match. Dreamer comes out after and announces that he will take on RVD at the PPV.
(5) Kazarian d. Douglas Williams. Fortune argued after the match until Flair broke it up.
– Eric Bischoff came out to take on Mr. Anderson. Bischoff beat up Jeremy Borash and did the ring announcing himself. Matt Morgan came out instead. Morgan beats the hell out of Eric and pins him and signs the contract for the title shot against Jeff Hardy at Turning Point.