Results courtesy of Edward Tittlebaum and
Impact started with Eric Bischoff and Immortal coming to ring to introduce the new TNA Champion Jeff Hardy. They spoke about having the TNA Champion, and Hulk Hogan coming back. They said they don’t need Fortune. Eric talked about Ric Flair missing all this time and said he has one week to let Eric know where he’s been.
Flair’s music hit. He came down and said he’s a god and no one questions him. Flair spoke about how the Hardys and him go way back. He said he’s cool with Hulk and Eric, and only a god could break groups and bring them back together. He said he would talk with Eric later. Flair started to walk out and told some ringside girls he would see them in the hotel later.
1. Hernandez defeated Douglas Williams. Hernandez attacked Williams when he was on ramp way the match was quick Williams may have been hurt with a powerbomb move. He looked like he landed wrong on his neck. There were four Knockouts fighting outside the ring. I couldn’t tell you there names because I really dislike TNA’s Knockout division aside form Tara and Mickie James.
They prepared the ring with a luau type set with roasted pig and all.
The Pope came out. I started to think he would make fun of Samoa Joe. He got a mic in his hand and the crowd started a “you tapped out” chant. Pope claimed he is still standing, and laying before him (the pig) is a sloppy Joe. Pope says he can perform a miracle by feeding all of the sloppy joe. Samoa Joe’s music hit. He came down to the ring. Joe slammed Pope through the pig and the table.
Robbie was given some mic time. He said dude a lot and said that when his shades come off, he’s pissed. Kazarian came out and pushed the idea that the X Division built TNA. He asked Robbie to send Cookie to the back and prove himself. Cookie left and the match started.
2. Kazarian defeated Robbie E (w/Cookie) to retain the X Division Title. After five minutes of back and forth action, Cookie ran out with a big purse and attacked Kazarian. Traci Brooks came out and attacked Cookie.
Backstage, Flair found Fourtune in the locker room. At this point, we couldn’t tell which side Ric was on.
3. Matt hardy defeated A.J. Styles. Matt has lost weight and looks better compared to when he arrived in TNA. Flair came to ringside and cheered on Styles. A.J. went to the top rope and Flair knocked him off and helped Hardy get the win. Flair started stomping on A.J. Fortune came out to A.J.’s side to help him. Hardy and Flair ran away.
Mr. Anderson made his entrance and called Eric Bischoff to the ring. Anderson was pissed due to Rob Van Dam getting a match against Jeff Hardy instead of him. Bischoff said the network demanded the match and they write the check. It sounds like they are making fun of WWE and the PG rating. Eric said the network doesn’t like words like “asshole.” Eric wouldn’t make a three-way match, but offered Anderson the referee spot in the match between Hardy and Van Dam. Anderson shook Erick’s hand and then slammed him to the ground.
4. Sarita and Rosita defeated The Beautiful People.
We were waiting for the main event. Mike Tenay and Taz were talking when Bully Ray came out. Taz yelled at Ray, who knocked off Tenay’s headset and walked off. Ray didn’t have a mic, so it was hard to hear what was said.
It was announced that Flair accepted an offer to fight A.J. Styles next Thursday on Impact, which will be taped on Tuesday.
5. Jeff Hardy defeated Rob Van Dam with Mr. Anderson as special referee. As Anderson came out, I was reminded that TNA changed the ref shirt having a huge TNA logo on the back. RVD came out. Hardy broke through a white screen for his intro. Anderson took the ref job serious, but you can never tell who he wanted to win, if he even cared, or just wanted the shot again.
Rvd and Jeff went back and forth with lots of two counts. Hardy got the win and held up the belt in front of Anderson, who slammed Hardy’s hand down. RVD stopped Anderson from kicking Hardy after the slam. RVD pointed to the ref shirt, and Anderson slammed RVD to the ground and walked out of the ring to end the Impact taping.
TNA Xplosion
1. Gunner and Murphy defeated Eric Young and Orlando Jordan. I’m sorry for those that hate him, but I love Eric Young. He is so funny. By the way, he came out in blue tights with a knight stick and a blue barricade. There were tons of “EY” chants. Orlando did most of the work. Young tried to jump in the ring, but the ref stopped him because they didn’t actually tag. Eric said “but they want me” and pointed to crowd. Gunner and Murphy got the win.