Jesse Ventura says he’s ‘in talks’ for WWE Legends deal

In an interview with WABC 77 Radio, Jesse Ventura discussed recent negotiations with WWE.

Confirming that such talks are only happening now because of the change of direction in the company, the Hall of Famer stated:

“We don’t know right now fully [what the role would be]. They want to bring me back under their Legends. You know, I’m an old guy now and you’ve got to have the legends. And, hell, if you go back to WrestleMania I, there ain’t too many of us alive anymore. It’s true. Look at — Roddy’s gone, Orndorff’s gone, Andre’s gone, John Studd’s gone. You start going down WrestleMania I and you’ve got more gone — Junkyard Dog’s gone. The list goes on and on. There’s Hogan, myself, and Tito, and a couple more, we’re the only ones left.”

Ventura appeared sporadically for WWE following his departure in 1990, including a guest host role on RAW in 2009.

Source: F4WOnline
