Superstars Recap – 7/1/10

WWE Superstars
July 1st, 2010
Philadelphia, PA/Wilkes Barre, PA
Report by: Jeff Springer of

Whether you are RAW or you are SD on Thursday nights we are all Superstars!

The pyro goes off as Michael Cole welcomes us to Superstars. YoshiDust is out first followed by their opponents Primo and Zack Ryder to kick the night off from the Raw brand.

YoshiDust vs. Primo and Zack Ryder

The bell rings as Zack Ryder and Yoshi Tatsu are in the ring to start the match off, They lock up and Ryder backs Yoshi into a corner but Yoshi is able to chop his way out. Yoshi puts Zack in a headlock but gets sent into the rope, Yoshi hits a shoulder block followed by multiple chops and a deep arm drag. Yoshi keeps control of the arm and makes a tag to Goldust. He goes to the top rope and hits a jumping elbow on Ryder. Goldust rolls Ryder on to the mat and hits a leg drop followed by and uppercut to the face. Goldust gains control of the arm but is sent into the ropes but is able to counter into an armdrag on Ryder. Ryder lands a hip to the gut and a shot to the back to on Goldust to break away and make a tag to Primo.

Primo gets into the ring and runs at Goldust. Goldust is able to counter into an arm drag which gives him a chance to make a tag to Tatsu. YoshiDust does a double team attack to the arm of Primo. Tatsu continues to keep full control of the left arm of Primo. Primo lands a shot to the face and sends Yoshi into the rope but is hit with a crossbody for a cover and a kickout. Yoshi goes back to the arm of Primo continue to keep control of it. Yoshi sends Primo into the rope who goes for a move from the second rope and misses. Primo rolls to the apron, Yoshi goes after him but is hit with a necksnap on the rope.

Primo rolls back into the ring and goes on the attack of Tatsu. He drags Yoshi to his corner and makes a tag to Zack Ryder. Ryder comes into the ring and goes on the attack and lands a kneedrop for a cover and a kickout. Ryder continues his attack on Tatsu before making the tag to Primo. Primo gets into the ring and puts Yoshi in a sleeper hold. Primo continues to wear Tatsu down. Primo sends Yoshi into the ropes and is hit with a boot to the face. Primo goes for an attack but Yoshi moves. Yoshi is able to get to his corner to make the tag to Goldust.

Goldust goes on the attack hitting multiple maneuvers before hitting a running bulldog for a cover and a kickout by Primo. Goldust mounts Primo in the corner for punches, Ryder distracts Goldust which leads to Primo land a shot to the back and a kick to the outside as we go to commercial.


When we return from commercial Ryder is in the ring and has a sleeper on Goldust. Goldust starts to fight out and is hit with a forearm for a cover and a kickout. Ryder tags in Primo who puts a chinlock on Goldust, Goldust uses his strength to try to get to his corner but Primo attacks Tatsu. Goldust is able to break free and land a powerslam on Primo, Yoshi gets the tag and goes on the attack of both Primo and Ryder. Yoshi uses his Japanese strong style on Ryder and lands a shining wizard for a cover which is broken up by Primo. Goldust takes out Primo while Yoshi goes to finisher Ryder, Yoshi misses and attack and is hit with a Rough Ryder by Zack for the cover and the win.

Winners Via Rough Ryder: Zack Ryder and Primo

NXT Recap: Titus O’Neal is eliminated

Jerry Lawler announces that Nikki Bella vs. Jillian is next!


Video: Alberto Del Rio: “The Honest Man”

The Bella’s are out first followed by Jillian for this rematch of sorts, Jillian refuses to sing as she is too upset from losing due to the switch a roo from the Bella’s last week.

Nikki Bella w/ Brie Bella vs. Jillian

The bell rings and the two divas square off. They get tied up before Jillian lands a straight right hand and a kick to the back on Nikki. Jillian grabs the hair before going for a cover and a kickout, Jillian chokes Nikki on the middle rope. Jillian swings Nikki face first onto the mat before going for a cover and another kickout, Jillian puts a sleeper hold on Nikki. Nikki lands shot to the gut but is slammed to the mat for another cover and a kickout, Jillian pulls on the hair and gets stopped by the ref. Jillian snapmares Nikki and lands a kick to the back. Jillian goes for another cover but again Nikki kicks out.

Jillian grabs Nikki and hits a backbreaker and turns it into a submission, Nikki lands knees that break the hold as Nikki attempts a comeback. Jillian stops the come back and sends Nikki into the rope and is hit with a huricanrana followed by a monkey flip. Nikki hits a drop kick to the face and goes for her first cover and a kick out, Nikki sends Jillian into the rope and she is able to land a shot on Nikki and slam her to the mat for another cover and another kickout. Jillian attempts to send Nikki into the corner but is reversed. Nikki goes for the attack but is sent to the outside by Jillian. Brie goes to check on her sister and is attacked by Jillian, The Bella’s go under the ring as one comes from the one side the other slides into the ring on the other and lands a school girl on Jillian for the win!

Winner Via School Girl: Nikki Bella(?)

Michael Cole hypes the main event from Smackdown as Christian will take on Curt Hawkins!


Did You Know: WWE offers all U.S. military personnel free tickets to all its live events in the U.S.

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Christian is out first as the announcers hype his Money in the Bank experience as we go to commercial.


When we return from commercial Curt Hawkins is out second accompanied by his teammate Vance Archer as it’s main event time from the Smackdown brand.

Christian vs. Curt Hawkins w/ Vance Archer

The bell rings and the two superstars lock up, Christian gets a go behind but is countered into a headlock by Hawkins who hits a shoulder block. Hawkins pushes Christian which forces him to slap Curt in the face, Hawkins goes for an attack but is hit with a drop toe hold to the mat and put in an arm lock. Hawkins lands a knee to the gut and sends Christian into the ropes but is reversed and hit with a unique knee shot. Hawkins rolls to the outside but is hit with a baseball slide, Christian sends Hawkins into the ring and is met by Vance Archer but nothing happens and he heads to the top rope for a crossbody and a cover and a kick out. Christian goes for another outside attack but is hit with a shoulder block to the gut and sent over the top rope, Archer attempts to attack Christian but is caught by the ref and sent to the back.


We return from commercial and Hawkins is in control, Hawkins is working on the neck and the midsection of Christian. Christian starts to make a comeback but is hit with a knee to the gut by Hawkins. Hawkins goes for the cover but Christian is able to kickout. Hawkins goes back on the attack of the midsection of his opponent. Christian goes for the comeback again but is countered out of the tornado DDT and slammed to the mat. Hawkins picks Christian up and is countered out of a slam into inverted DDT for a cover and a kickout. Christian begins to mount a comeback on Hawkins. He lands the inverted DDT on the knee for a cover and another kickout.

Hawkins sends Christian into the corner but is hit with a kick to the gut, Christian attempts to go onto the ropes but is pulled off by Hawkins. Hawkins lands a slam on Christian for a cover and a kickout. Hawkins lifts up Christian and is hit with an uppercut followed by a missile dropkick for a cover and a kickout. Christian goes back to the top and goes for a cross body and misses and Hawkins goes for another cover by Christian kicks out. Hawkins attacks Christian in the corner but is hit with a kick followed by the twisting elbow of the top rope. Christian stalks Hawkins. He grabs Hawkins and hits him with the Killswitch for the cover and the 1,2,3 for the win.

Winner Via Killswitch: Christian

-End of Show-


See you next Thursday!

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